
like i point out be for he pay spk to get him all those view i can prety much buy my way to the top page youtube with spk help and some you know the site http://viewtornado.com/ well i am good friend with spk and he clame psy pay for view from him any one can get a vid to go

i hate ms points i do not care about saveing money just let me buy games like i do on steam

that sucks for you well if you looking for a online job we or looking other to join or team :)

better my self i done that my wife left me and as long as i do not get marry she will have to give money money for the rest my life cant get any better then that

do not care

you can buy a red one for 25k and do the same thing im saveing up for one

that nothing we use to run ftp site on the privet net work at my old hight school

i try it all but white

Now playing

best gta intro from the good old day of warez scean echelon made some awsome crack intro for dc

i blame obama for t he dog deth with all stupid crap obama gave the tsa i bet the aireline with get out paying the poor women

i rember it too :)

i did not know what his show was abt be for my friend told me he was on the show

thank for link :)

link to a mechanical keybord pleas :) i yet to find one retail

got free upgrade with my laptop :) cant wait

well any phone not iphone better then iphone give me a keybord any day

Now playing

speaking of can't afford you will hate what we did to a mac book

yes in fact thear is a law against tiping it a 300$ fine :(

it must bena white women driveing thear happy now

funny story i live on a farm for many year when my grand father pass away we move in to a city we only get 12 mbs a sec be for we move i had 50mbs it realy sad you think moveing to a city mean faster internet boy was i wrong