
as some one who has many gameing laptop this laptop look like crap

i think it case the die hard will buy it for that much it happend with halo reach

not funny

i hate my cable company my dsl is better 12mb dsl and 1mb cable i wish charter buy him out so we can get good internet

this is the dumb idea ever and sony ? why they got hack stuff like this is why sony got hack

i do all my work on my m17x it has be best laptop money can buy i have taken it every ware

you or a dumb ass for saying that

i agree Owen Good

was thear some hd movie on vhs and beta max i was hearing rumer that @ one point in last days of tape hd was possable

that make me think of wall e that movie made me cry

check out [filmon.com] it a iptv service that the mpaa try and fail to sue why did they fail and why goverment need step in and fix this crap hear why

wait so streaming movies and tv show was legal be for na this has all way ben illegal

this is how it go down kid pay hacker then hacker break in to the isp network hacker loook @ ip logs find the log for sead ip get adress and bam kid get other kid swat

the best way deal with stuff like this is ddos the kids network so he get booted from the game esy fix

hate game fly it only in the us i wish it was in the philippine

video remove

well i do not look price i just buy and do not think abt it if i did i not have many games

fuck the store i went to game stop other day lookig for some pc games and did not see many may be 10 games

no it not that it that the boss is a chick and any one that did a good review on this game might get fire

do you guys rember that time one game company web site for a game expire and some one pick it up and it end up a porn site well they try get it back but under the law it was not possable you can not copy right a domain name if it expire any one has the right to buy it