
@Fernando Jorge: no the vid of the red head was fake he was geting revshare on his vids so when hate go to his vid he made money all so for those who like know it will take 600 to 800 viw for youtube to ask you to do revshar this need be done in 24 not 600 all time view so if you can reach 600 in 24hr the bot kick in

oh snap this is a red head remix red head have souls

sorry but what the heck is a strip mall is that ware school girls strip to pay the bills and some how they got 4in a not so xxx rated fight lulz

@Laertus: or just hack the toll booth

this is supose to stop pirate but reload will have the game pach to not need code so this fails

wait web sites have ads i did not know that

@AErikson: best part was when the guy satdown

@ninjikiran: you mother fucker its not a emulater

@tingyu: you know what steam may be able to get sony to bring back install os make a deal and pay sony a set fee to have full acces to ps3 core so we can play pc game on sony ps3

@Michael Dukakis: the guy with the shot gun look like the guy from border lands

for those who think this card is bull shit it not bassicly it take stress of the pc cpu ram gpui its not to umprove speed on ping

i download the demo and got

they only go for kids they never go for warez grupe they can not win when it come to a warez grupe like skid row and razor 911thear funding for this year was over 2mill they have the $$ to make the game dev give up