this look border line porn scean
this look border line porn scean
wtf no netflix for my android phone is netflix dumb or some thing yet it may come to ds 1st wtf
@juc: it will more than likely use wine to laod the game on windows thear useing dos box on the old games like doom 1
@Shrewsbury: i lovr my android phone but im going be heading back over sea what phone best in android that has a keybord phone now is the motorola android oh why or why cant thear be a sim model all redy
some thing wrong when i click the image it not the right image like if i click 15 its 16
@PorkPie: if it port it will more than likely use the wine api
@thesircuddles: and and i right he can not get a console ban
@CaptainEdward: depends on ware you live juge can rule other wise and then blizz has do what juge rule or may get fine just cuzz its blizz tos do not mean jack if juge rules other wise
@excel_excel: i mean im being pay to play but what i have done is made a tool kit to play for me im working on a web gui version now so i can sell my bots
i hope he get his teeth kick in i probly one my fren who i told abt a unlaw full copy right clame that im still fighting some nut file one for me showing profff his web site is a 100% scam
@excel_excel: i make 13$ a hr playing farm vill yes real money but what the socer mom has no clu is its all boted so im not even siting thear playing i love farm vill just for this reson it pay the bills
you or right but when im not home i use my phone to get online and it keep takeing me to the phone version
@AncientUnknown1: cant see it on laptop as im tethering with my droid
@nrXic: i agee i love see a steam client runing on it thear or some realy nice game on steam that be awsome on this add some online with the hole steam fren list bult in i think it pwn the i phone if it get steam working as for me i suck at my gramm haha so bare with me
@RockyRan: thear a bot for it google farmvill bot
@deanbmmv: HAHA A NET book you got be fucking kiding me
@mysonsnameisnova: @Pretty Sneaky Sis: i go with the m17x hand down no one whant to ren boot camp and risk slow frame rate
@jedbeetle: PARADOX has this hack long ago but never post it as it was bricking some ps3 so no hack
oh no it pedo bear
@MonkeyBiz: good for him wall mart is bad they hert little asians kids jus sayin