he a youtube partner he makeing bank when some one play this video 100% stage
he a youtube partner he makeing bank when some one play this video 100% stage
@SlamDancinMoogle: can some one do a mail oder post on game rental over sea i hate buying games hear thear all boot legs and i cant play thim no mod xbox
@wonderboy13: check wall mart
@sereal: its not na it legal thear mame romz you can legal buy
@natedogXVI: i think it cool some one like noki has he balls to stick it to nintindo this phone going sell a lot just for fact nintindo will try to sue thim every one go be like hey did you hear aboute what hapend to noki yes i did i might get one thear phone
black friday was not so bad hear i manage to get some good stuff i went to game stop to get halo2 for pc but did not find it other than that it was a nice shoping day
@Befitzero: the game sucks only thing this has going for it fo r me is spec op and single player and that lagy as hell none my fren live in asia :( so it super lagy for me
but you see wall mary sell 3rd pary cards for xbox 360 all so i got one with one my xbox i did not think they block it just that was broken what ms is doing is wrong
@shades_of_blue: kids do you hear that ms can throw cash @ ibm to not lower cost of cell chips haha sony got pwn if ms do that
@thepl4gue: i love see how this turn out in fact it may be not so legit what ms is doing and one state may rule it un faire tos can be broken and rule in fav of the end user
@Asbestos_Underwear: i will take it for the team i do not mind spending 1500 to sue thim it not a lot of money
yes im kiding just makeing a point at how this can fail
so this mean if i go to thailand to get a hooker i may be ban if i feal a graveing for some mw2 is this right and im jokeing aboute the whore
@ChickenPawks: yes so tru but they can all way lock it down to mac address and only one gamer tag ca leve the xbox #xboxlive
@Joshua Bell: it be awsome if they had a famly member ship ware you can get 4 gamer tag for 20 or 30% less #xboxlive
online suck for this game its a fail only like single player #modernwarfare2
@Archaotic: may be so but ms cut a deal and own the right to dlc sony will have fork a lot to get it from ms wich is never going to hapend #grandtheftautothelostanddamned
@TheCatInTheHat: from my under standing this one is never comeing to ps3 ms own the publishing rights for life #grandtheftautothelostanddamned
how long be for they pach this crap to have decated servers i give it 6 month or less be for they add a pach to fix this crap #modernwarfare2