
sorry for late reply, been away from internet. Think cargo like hydroelectric turbines, drill rig equipment etc.etc. stuff that you would need to put on an antonov and deliver to places that you would otherwise have to build a road. or even bigger cargo than could fit on a road.

Doesn’t necessarily have to land, the plans i saw for cargo blimps involved them hovering and dopping shipping containers effectively on wire from the corners, so the drop zone only has to be as big as the cargo

Your full of shit. Referendums under duress is no different to judicial testimony under duress=Unadmissable. basically all your arguments fail the basics of admissable evidence. so fuck off already.

yeah, the “inexplicable” part struck me too... it wasn’t inexplicable, it was tyler building an audience of people interested in informed discussion about defence. sure he was full of shit a lot of the time, but it was so much more informed an in depth than any other outlet.

It’s spelt Havoc

Pssshhht! Your saying Hamilton etc isn’t/doesnt be/act like a celebrity? I call bullshit

I used to work as an Arborist (in aus) and when i was an apprentice, i’d occasionaly be a bit low when i got to the job. So i would give it a top up of 10 litres or so from the two-stroke stock. Never really had a problem (didn’t do it thaaaat often) and my groundie/boss figured it would just be extra lubrication and

So mant assumptions in this, Don’t even know where to start

Right, my point was that was a very communist episode, making five scenes do the work for the rest of the production budget for that segment. seriosuly, the same scenes. where did this huuuuge budget go? at least ten minutes wasted on repeated shit!

Counterpoint; The section with the Vulcan was awesome, yes. The American Redneck is also awesome, as an Aussie i can appreciate his redneckness. (actually since seeing the jalop article and video about his goodwood drive, i dont care how he speaks) Its just Comedy. But the Special Forces section was shit, seriously i

didnt want to give you a star, because you were at 420. but just had to.... just had to

Exactly. In Australia we have seen new laws restricting the right to assemble. In America, as i understand it, People are being brutalised in protests... meh i’, drunk, and i’ve lost the point of my argument. all ill say is that you haven’t prostested, voted, been arrested. (or any combination of the three) then you

Didnt even notice the starting at 52m.

holy shit snacks yes.

when he is telling you to “learn to control oversteer” while leaving his foot on the clutch between (pretty widely spaced) shifts. sorry but no. once again justin you have oversold something that is just totally false. this person is not a good teacher, he is not teaching good habits. STOP POSTING INACCURATE TITLED

Awesome Kitesurfer gets exactly what he came for, a wicked fucking ride.

Maybe they are starting a new naming convention? i.e we have the Amarok ute in Australia (not sure if you get it in the states) but i am assuming this Atlas would be a similar size. So maybe their larger 4x4's are getting ‘A’ names?

ummm.... maybe not for discussion here? but the internets has a place for everything. how does kinja do PM’s or something? i don’t understand this shit

I’ve seen a couple of raptors tooling around melbourne and out near geelong (used to live near there) But not sure if they are imported then converted to RHD by one of the shops that does American cars here. Seen a butt load of mustangs recently as well...