
Sorry if this is an obvious thing to Americans but… Why is it called Camp NoBeBoSco? The last bit means Boy Scout, does it?

There's nothing strange about it. They're all conservatives.


That's their entire philosophy. Shrink the state to nothing, keep the money for sweets.

That's why it's now 1992

Is Trump's thing that he wants people who are just *this* much racist and/or power-crazed but if they go a little bit over they get chopped? His whole approach to staffing matters is so hard to get a handle on. Maybe he just literally wants nobody but elderly ex-military types on his team and is working towards that

Getting him out of the White House

Yeah, I was joking

I'm a liberal and I destroy statues on a more or less daily basis

Well that's distasteful

What does "nut job" mean in America? Bit baffled by this as in the UK it's a derogatory term for a mentally ill person, or someone who sometimes acts like one.

"Hmm, now have I been looking at this CD for 4 seconds, which is what it feels like… or is it 2 hours which is what it seems like from the way the woman and her child are STARING AT ME? Act normal! Laugh it off haha! Point at the CD cover and give a big thumbs up. But then if it has only been 4 seconds THAT will seem

Weirdly, I've always ended up with what I'd had in mind to buy. It might have taken a bit longer than usual but, to be honest, hard to be sure.

Yeah, music and shopping are the best. Same as normal life really.

Nobody on LSD liked Telly Tubbies any more than any other kids' show.

Well yeah, but not in my place of work and outside of that I do try to make a point of begging to differ, unless there are loads of them or there's only one and they appear physically more threatening than me.

I think you're projecting now, but thanks for 'breaking that down' for us.

Ah well again, thankfully in the UK, the chances of having to have a watercooler moment with an actual nazi are delightfully few and far between.

I do not get the impression this actor usually wears glasses. Is there a scene where he removes them and the girl goes, "Wow, you're… beautiful"

I didn't mean you. I was addressing the American People. Like their king does on Twitter.