

“butt nuts”

And the hits keep on coming! This level of cringe hasn't been seen in years and, ladies and gentlemen, it's a privilege to witness. Not only to continually respond to mockery but to make it more visible by doing so! Definitely a thread for the history books this evening.

You misunderstood someone, got snippety, got corrected then instead of apologizing went straight to personal attacks and finished with a weird pop culture reference. Bravo. Thanks to people like you the jerk store will never have empty shelves again.

I’m guessing sarcasm is not something you encounter in your life very often.

People are idiots if they read this as anything but Wilde talking about how it’s sweet that he was filming his partner. It’s not weird that she tagged them both - she tagged them both so that it was clear that she wasn’t hitting on him.

And when she tagged the very-much-partnered man’s very-much-partner... it was just because she’s so brazen! Not because it was completely innocent!

I’m not a fan of Olivia Wilde, ASAP Rocky or Harry Styles. But that people feel so strongly to think, it seemed like Wilde was going after the very-much-partnered rapper” makes them a bunch of Bozo’s. One can just as easily say that one celebrity woman is giving props to another celebrity woman and her man! They seem

No, this is not standard plumpers and botox. She’s done something extreme, and she looks like the mom from “Brazil”. Stop your dipshit hawt taekes

Eyebrows should not have trends. 

as an older woman, she’s probably already lost most of her eyebrow hair anywsay

This is your granny, and she quite liked it on David Bowie when he was a Martian. 

I am terrible at spotting photo editing but even I can see she is missing a solid three inches off her left side and the blinds appear to be part of an active psychedelic trip.

And third’d by your father.  

-co- signed, your Auntie

This is your mother speaking and honey, it’s just not attractive on you. Any of you. 

That lead photo looks like she uses the same plastic surgeon as Ida Lowry in Brazil.

Predictable as they may have been, each film presented those reveals as a huge plot twist, so it’s still Shyamalan’s thing even if it’s not particularly effective.

First, let me apologize for being such an asshole. I had a long and very bad day and was very grumpy, and just kind of assumed that nobody was going to read my comment on some random burner account, anyways. Lesson learned!!!

Are your objections the point? We are facing collapse and extinction. We all know it. People, in a desperate bid to put it all off for another generation or two, are already blaming the gays, women who work outside the home, people who want to not be shot by the police for no reason, migrants fleeing the crises we