
I agree completely. It is difficult to not repeat it reverently every time I hear the phrase. Not that I usually make the effort to restrain myself from doing so.

Thanks for saving me the cost of a magnet!

I always tell my friends I'm going to have "Sorry About Your Small Penis!" Magnets made to stick on cars covered in NRA, Don't Tread on Me, etc. stickers. My husband maintains this will get me shot here in NoVA. He may have a valid point.

I wish I had had this list 20 years ago. My mother took complete control and ruined the experience for both me and my now ex- husband. He would tell people our wedding broke up our marriage. My second marriage (9th anniversary this week!) we went to St Lucia all alone and got married on the beach in our bare feet. If

Sirius is perfect. My mind went straight to Rasputin. Who would probably not be part of a healthy breakfast.