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Plastic is a vital part of our bright tomorrow!

Yup. As a liberal professor, my commitment to intellectual diversity requires me to accept any student’s statement as valid—provided they can argue it factually. It’s the second part that trips some of them up. I’m happy to give you an A if you did your research and thought your arguments through, even if I don’t

If your faith, whatever it is, requires you to lock you and your kids away from any kind of reality or society YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. Seriously, whether a person loses their religion or just starts questioning how it is practiced—if that’s the faith’s greatest fear they are just doing. it. wrong.

I took a world religions class where 99% of the other students got butthurt over discussion of the First Council of Nicaea. Because the idea that the Bible was written by various authors, compiled and edited by a bunch of dudes over the course of centuries, and then a bunch of books were left out blew their tiny

It was my friend’s wedding in Savannah. I was a bridesmaid. The groom’s brother went up to my room with me, to “put some wine bottles in the fridge”. Then, he did the best thing someone has ever done to me: he helped me take out ever single bobby pin from my updo and then massaged my scalp. . . .

Oh my god this is hilarious. I am literally one of the “liberal professors” they’re talking about, as in I literally teach diversity classes to undergrads, and you’re not allowed to say ANY of that stuff to students. You can’t say shit about their parents, their religion, or their personal opinions unless you enjoy

As a liberal professor of writing (I’m sitting in my class RIGHT NOW), I would say that this is most closely related to “I use to do something”, and that it’s largely based on never seeing the word in print (i.e. reading), and when we pronounce “biased” and “used to”, we swallow the ends of the words.

This was my favorite part: “If a woman is hungry or is worried about a bomb falling from the sky due to poor foreign policy, birth control is really the last thing on her mind.” I know a number of women in the mountains of Nicaragua who can tell them a thing or two about poverty, war, and how much they very much want

college students can take charge of their education and remain steadfast in their beliefs

This is more of a ghost story than a hook up story, but the ghost was kind of essential to the story. It was the last wedding in my wedding season from hell I was in like 3 weddings and attended 2 more and was very very single. I was a bridesmaid in my best friend’s wedding and was partnered with a tall, handsome,

[created a burner just to tell this story so please kind people, pull me out of the grays!]

OK. I’ll bite.

Maybe not the wildest, but perhaps my proudest.

Back in the 80s, a friend from college invited me to be her bridesmaid. We lived hundreds of miles from each other, and had only exchanged brief letters in the years since graduation. I shouldn’t have accepted, but I thought it would be fun to see her and the people we used to hang out with.

(I promise this is about sex. Hang in there)

This was not my hook-up but I witnessed the hook-up.

In some other timeline where I didn’t step in, my friend might have had a good crazy wedding hookup story to contribute. She and a super hot (although in retrospect maybe he was just British) groomsman were drunkenly making out a bunch at the reception, and as we were about to leave, he was definitely insinuating that

One of my best friends got married and she had been waiting YEARS to introduce me and her friend, who she was convinced was my soul mate. Her entire group of friends was being a bit desperate in their attempts to ‘casually’ nudge us together, to the extent that “Oh look, it seem’s you’re BOTH staying at Maid Of

This is a long one, but I think it’s pretty great. Please excuse any typos.

Two friends from college got married, and it was a doozy of a wedding. My friends actually went to college with my best friend from high school, so over the course of college and the following decade her friends became mine, and vice versa.

This is not my story. I was merely an observer on this crazy wedding hook-up ride.