Adultosaur - well-documented fatty
Adultosaur - well-documented fatty
I feel like the real criticism here would be that the world doesn’t need another Jackie biopic, but sure, let’s bash Natalie instead.
“Sorta makes one yearn for the quiet days when Portman was hanging with her hottie dancer husband and recovering from gestating both her first Oscar and a child, doesn’t it?”
If they hired that many prostitutes and had an all-day orgy, it would be shocking, because it would mean both parties working together, reaching a decision, and making it happen.
I would like it if we spread some of that enthusiasm to local-er elections, too. We’re losing at the state level in a huge way.
Right now the “fetus feels pain” idea is more or less scientific speculation, and that’s the angle pro-choicers take when arguing against using it as a benchmark. If you try to offer pain relief for the fetus, you’re basically legitimizing a bunk argument.
Sometimes. Depends on the Congresscritter. Some serve their constituency, some serve their party (most serve their party nowadays, with the obsessively polarized political climate we’re in).
What drives me crazy about this (among many other things) is that it assumes that they need a law to keep women from having abortions after 20 weeks or women will just get late term abortions on a whim. As if any woman WANTS to have an abortion that far along. Having a late term abortion is a very hard, sad choice and…
The kids today is my generation, lol. I’m only old enough to have voted in the last two presidential elections. Which is why I haven’t had any terrible, heartbreaking experiences yet. I am hoping I’m a lucky charm or something and the democrats take the presidency again.
(I was pretty upset about the results of last…
It kinda helps if you vote, like consistently, in the non presidential elections, ‘specially if you’re in a smaller district.
I have no proof, other than that is what my dermatologist told me. She said if it makes me feel better to use a higher SPF, go ahead. But it is really more important to use enough (about a shotglass full for your whole body), and to apply often enough ( every 2 hours I think, or after you swim or get particularly…
I just got this hat and I think it’s gonna be a game changer for maintaining my translucent, Nosferatu level paleness. This thing plus SPF and I’ll still glow in the dark in August. That’s an 8 inch brim!
SPF30 is some melanin haver shit. Us true day walkers require SPF50+
We also had a day-of-wedding planner (two, actually) though it only cost about $250 (this was 25 years ago). They didn’t help with the planning at all, but having someone there who wasn’t emotionally invested in the event to stage manage and direct traffic was a godsend.
Yep, and honestly the most stereotypical bridezilla I ever met was having a super cheap wedding. An asshole is an asshole is an asshole, no matter how much money is involved.
...Look, can we stop with the cliche that anything other than a DIY wedding for as little money as possible is inherently terrible? If you are having a big wedding, a wedding planner can save money in the long run through contacts, and can save you a lot of stress. It doesn't automatically turn you into the…
Let me tell you about what life is like as a fat sexworker. My job involves sharing photos of myself as a strong, sexy, sexual woman, in varying degrees of undress. It involves me setting a figure - a not inexpensive one, either - on what I feel access to my body is worth.
This, for a myriad of reasons, makes some men…
I will never understand why people hate on other people's happiness. I guess that's why I'm not a troll.