They couldn’t fit her full name into a tweet. Welcome Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Eurydice Colette Clytemnestra Dido Bathsheba Rabelais Patricia Cocteau Stone.
They couldn’t fit her full name into a tweet. Welcome Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Eurydice Colette Clytemnestra Dido Bathsheba Rabelais Patricia Cocteau Stone.
no! Lottie is a far better nickname! :)
Something I read once that stuck with me as true : shared values are more important than shared interests. My husband and I want the same things out of life in the big picture. We have those giant sprawling conversations where you solve all the worlds problems. That’s way more important than the fact that he loves…
Agree shared interests are good but having divergent interests which can be enjoyed with friends (or alone) is also good.
Just had this conversation with a friend of mine. She’s struggling with the idea of whether or not to stay with her husband when his green card comes in. This is the man who left her in the hospital while she was dealing with an with an ectopic pregnancy, because he had to iron his clothes for work. I told her the…
As a longtime married, who would marry my husband all over again, I’ve learned something really important:
The last one. Help.
These people are like outspoken atheists and PETA - I agree with them in theory, but in practice, they’re such fucking killjoys.
Blue Moon was my gateway beer too - I started moving slowly into other ales and lagers with my craft beer enthusiast boyfriend picking out the next one he thought I might be into (very slow progression). On a whim, i tried an imperial stout and OMG I fell in love. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE coffee and it just clicked…
I just wish they would stop cramming so many hops into it. SO. MANY. HOPS. There are other flavors in the world, craft beer nerds!
Blue Moon is a gateway beer. People who don’t like beer can start with cider, then on to Blue Moon. I’ve seen it open people’s beer palattes. It’s a good beer, not a great beer, but a good beer you can find just about everywhere. So meh to this guy. “Artfully crafted” doesn’t mean it’s indie. It’s just a tagline.
8. Beachy waves
Sasha she reminds me so much of my younger sis who we call Grumplica Appleton Countess of Crabbydom
Call Belinda, who seems on the verge of quitting. Also call the school district.
Has anyone looked at the words mentioned in the body? This basically comes across as a 1950s woman stereotype in what kind of character the words add up to.
NOPE. means that there’s more room for extra pairs of shoes.
I’m 5’3” and small in build. After years of flying across the country very regularly (sometimes every other month) I have discovered the following: