
Gotta love how all the judgment is thrown that the woman, and not at any of the 25 dudes who had sex with her, presumably quite well aware of what was going on.

Enjoy it while it lasts, kid. Being a smart kid is hell as an adult. People have so many expectations for you, so many goals, so many AP classes. You have so much promise as a young thing, so bright and clever, and suddenly you look around and you’re sitting in your pajamas, watching Netflix, doing nothing with your

If I was a koala living my best life, I’d be this guy:

I don't know if it's because I'm an old or a dude but rather than getting outraged at their fashion choices I'm just thinking, "Oh, those pretty young ladies look like they're having a nice time. Good for them. I hope the port-a-potties aren't too gross."

Seriously. RBG is retiring from the court almost certainly during the next presidency, and replacing her will mean everything - whether we have an ultraconservative court or continue to have a relatively moderate balance. She’s the champion of the liberal voice on the court, it’s scary to think of how the next 20-30

The single most important issue over the next 4-8 years will be nominating 2, possibly 4 Supreme Court justices and no matter how much you hate her you must understand the seriousness of someone like Ted Cruise, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, or Geb Bush making those appointments. If your objection to HRC is ‘the covering

“The female bod” didn't exactly make this one happen by itself. I hope everyone comes out of this reasonably healthy and well. Feminism shouldn't mean we have to applaud medically risky choices.

If Hillary is the Democratic nominee, people better vote for her. I don’t care if you disagree with some of her policies. We all do. But don’t not vote, or vote for a third party candidate in protest. That would pretty much guarantee a Republican victory, a two-term presidency, and Republican-appointed Supreme Court

Yeah, that archaic attitude about how marriage legitimizes anything. Marriage doesn’t automatically elevate or validate a relationship; sometimes it’s just a way to exert more control over your partner.

Nobody in their right mind would let this woman teach students under 18. She needs to give up that dream like yesterday

I’ll Debbie Downer this competition real fast.

Excited to listen to this as I vacuum all the cat hair that's collected in the bottom of my closet on the pile of shoes where the cat hides when company visits!

Mark: Whoooo is that girl I see, staring straight back at me?

This is not a hard question to answer:

Mark Schrayber is the only white Mulan I would accept.

Even my 7 year old side-eyed a romper for a very similar reason - "when I have to pee really bad after drinking too much juice, do you WANT me to have an accident?"

When my wife was bald and in chemo, I'd have given anything to have to deal with random hair around the house. When she first started chemo, it fell out in giant clumps, leaving a halo of her naturally blonde hair on her pillow and wherever she sat. Eventually, she asked me to shave her head and that was when it all

Believe me, it ends up in our buttcracks too. Always a surprise...😳

Also guilty of this. When my husband hands me back lone strands of hair from every imaginable and unimaginable place, I thank him graciously and place it back on top of my head. Take that, husband.