Oh God. Did you catch the John Oliver segment about the whole thing? My vote is for the space gecko!
Oh God. Did you catch the John Oliver segment about the whole thing? My vote is for the space gecko!
They should keep the slim fit options, but add in other options for other body types!
Yeah... My favorites are the people who keep posting about how no one felt this way about the mascot or the flag (which, thank god, they finally stopped letting people bring to games a few years ago) until the shooting in Charleston happened. Um no, my non-white self was EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE the entire time I went…
Definitely not.
Are you referring to Vestavia, by chance?
OMG she is wearing minion shoes!!!!
This! I really want to switch to using menstrual cups, but I LOVE my Paragard and am terrified of causing it expel. I’ve read that as long as you don’t place them right up against your cervix and are really careful to break the seal prior to removal you should be ok. But everything comes with the caveat to speak to…
Do you have an IUD? When I first looked into switching over to a menstrual cup I had just gotten my IUD (Paragard) and everything I was reading said not to use a menstrual cup with it due to risk of expulsion. Now I’m re-looking into menstrual cups and everything I’m reading seems to say that concomitant use of…
I want it! Ugh- so good!
You and I got the exact same box! Was your Nexxus color safe? Mine is, even though I don’t have colored hair. TBH, I was a little disappointed with the Nexxus and lip plumper, but the mascara, nail polish, and aloe gel make up for it.
This is my current background on my laptop and I giggle everytime I see it. My husband also made one that looks like his company’s logo is reflecting off the glasses and several of his co-workers have asked for copies.
I’m so happy!! I love Baton Bob!!! #Ilivecloseenoughtowalk
I cannot believe you handled that as well as you did. This also reminds me of a story regarding one of my husband’s acquaintances in college that we still laugh about to this day. Peter* and a lady friend became intimate after a night of heavy drinking, as hormone fueled college students people are wont to do. His…
That’s all I could think about when I was reading this too! I just became overwhelmed with sadness for Nancy and the thought of her having to live without her partner.
This is the one drawback to my Paragard. I’m really interested in using menstrual cups but am too paranoid because I have an IUD. le sigh. Can’t have it all I guess.
OH MY GOD, A TOTORO SEARCH AT YOUR WEDDING!?! I love it and now I am jealous that I did not have one at my wedding. I wish I was as cool as you are.
There are a couple of groups! Tip Nation has over 5,000 members and the original group that I started in is TiPsters! Definitely not just newer Tipsters. I did 2000-2002 (?) I can’t remember precisely and there are older Tipsters in the groups.
Ah! Fellow TIPster here! I did 2 years at Davidson and 1 at Duke West. I had a great group of nerd friends in middle school and high school (what up Math Team and Debate Team) but going to TIP was AMAZING in terms of finding other like minded nerdy souls. So many great memories. Are you in the TIPster facebook group?
I would wear the shit out of these! Time to pull out the sewing machine and track down patterns! :D
Fantasia 2000! It’s from the finale piece and the music is a medley from Igor Stravinsky’s ballet The Firebird. THAT BALLET IS ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITES!