
PREACH IT! I am also one of those people that cannot shut up about my IUD.

Are you me? I posted a reply before I saw this thing of beauty! SO much more helpful than mine. HOORAY PARAGARD BUDDIES!

I’ve had my Paragard for almost 2.5 years now. I always had super light periods that lasted 3-4 days with day 4 always just light spotting, no cramping at all. I knew the risk of heavier, crampier periods, and figured since mine were so light, I could handle that. The first year they were really heavy and lasted 5-7

Oh- and thanks for the heads up on the Ruelala deal on Glossybox! Your reviews have made me want to subscribe, but $21 is just past my threshold. But for $15/month I'm in!!

For those of us looking for an exfoliator that doesn't have microbeads (and I hope that is all of us!), this is a great option.

Haha! I had the same experience! My Asian family was also shocked at the number of showers/parties people threw us. My Southern husband's family friends threw us a couple's shower (which replaced the gazillion themed showers people wanted to do because I thought it was just too excessive) and my bridesmaid's luncheon.

At my wedding, I also got red envelopes filled with some VERY generous checks. :D I'm Chinese and my husband comes from a Southern WASP-y family who have very Southern WASP-y friends and my in-laws were shocked at the amount of money we got from a relatively small number of people.

Dude. Just pay for the shipping. Seriously. I just got a ton of DMC floss for cheaps from the eBay and I've been trying to come up with a project that I could offload on someone. YOU WILL BE DOING ME A FAVOR!

If it makes you feel better, the mutant flies I created when I worked in a Drosophila lab just couldn't "smell". I also made some double mutants that couldn't smell and had a genetic mutation that mimicked a genetic condition in people. I'm not going to say which one b/c there aren't too many people doing it and it

See... I'm the crazy crafty person who doesn't like clutter so I'm always looking for people who want the things I make. I would 100% seriously make that for you if you want it. No joke.

I've heard that from several different sources all my life! One of my friends in college who was a "proper southern belle" would always adhere to a strict polish cycle of "6 days on, 1 day off" for the "letting the nail bed breathe" thing. She did have phenomenally healthy hands and nails...

I'm pretty sure it's a cross stitch tootsie pop!!! :D I'm in the grays so my comment on it below will go forever unseen. I know others are thinking needlepoint- but I love cross stitch so I've convinced myself that's what it is.

Is Jamie Lee Curtis working on a Tootsie Pop cross stitch?!? Be still my little cross stitch loving heart. <3 <3 <3

Just to parrot what others have said- Laura Mercier tinted moisturizers! I have very clear skin, but dry and sensitive, and I don't like the feeling of heavy make-up. I use the oil-free version of the tinted moisturizer and it definitely gives me that flawless even toned look you mention you're going for.

I would really caution against advising people to use 23andme screening and other direct-to-consumer testing as a substitute for comprehensive diagnostic genetic testing done under supervision of a medical professional. It is especially important for individuals to have a comprehensive discussion with their

The siren call of the girl scout cookie is just too strong- not even celebrities can resist! MUAHAHA.

And he quite literally tosses his treat toys at us, and huffs, and stares us down if we don't put a treat in them immediately.

My dog loves lettuce!! Actually, he loves vegetables period. Favorites include: carrots, baked sweet potato, and red peppers. Everyone thinks this is incredibly funny and weird and don't really believe me when I tell them.

We also measure our little westie's food twice a day and I like to call them breakfast and dinner, because that's what they are. When we went to the vet for his 1 year check-up she asked how much food he was eating per day and I told her he eats 1/2 cup for breakfast and 1/2 cup for dinner and immediately felt weird

L'occitane's Shea Butter Foot Cream! It's a little pricey, but a little goes a long way and it WORKS.