
I know and purchased WorkFlowy Agent, but this is not a native app (as promised by the developers of workflowy).
WorkFlowy Agent is nothing but a stock android browser engine implementation with a few CSS eye-candy improvements. It is not handling the workflowy items natively. Everything is rendered as a webpage.


Vote: WorkFlowy.com

Why: WorkFlowy is supposed to be an outliner, but because of the great keyboard-shortcuts to indent and regroup items and the "#"-tags, which work as filters, it is a really great to-do tool, as well.
Sometimes I even outline things in Workflowy itself. I just jot down my thoughts under the task

Yet again this post spares the fact that with an acquisition of company X by company Y your data (might it be personal data, like conversations, location data etc.) get acquired as well.

One might be comfortable with one company, X and Y each, to know pieces of your personal data, but not the acquiring one (Y) to know

Sounds like a sweet plan!

well...it's called "disconnect" for a reason... ;)

I was using "xday" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/det…) before...but it never really felt reliable. The design seems outdated and some features (like manual reordering) didn't work that well either.
I'm happy to try days :)

This! For Music, downloaded "watch-later" youtube videos, podcasts, audiobooks and ebooks.

It was always pretty much the same for me...until I actually lived in Asia for a while and learned to love it.

I think the key element is to buy one that is of good quality. Try getting it from a shop where you can buy it loose or at least can see the leaves. The amount of just leaves should be as high as possible as

Depends on your personal goals...

Yes and there was this other study from the University of New South-Wales in Sydney that studied a broader band of training interval-times and they cam to the conclusion that the 8s/12s rule seems to be the most effective, when it comes to effectiveness.

It was published here on Lifehacker in the past and Adam Dachis

It is not clear how the scanned phonebook is stored on their servers. There was a big dispute, but what I took away from it was that it is stored and synced without hashing so they can match you up with your contacts. So it wouldn't be better than whatsapp.

It was nothing against any nationality, but why

I was really bad at this either...manually copied the data to external drives, but 1.5 years ago I bought a Synology NAS and invested into a backup routine.

Synology NAS (DiskStation 214+, equipped with 2x WD Red 4TB drives) + 2x external WD Green 4TB in USB3.0-housings.
Furthermore a smaller 1TB WD 2,5" dirve in a

Telegram has major flaws. The reports of crypto-experts not recommending it are all over the web. And it is somehow related to the russian version of facebook.

For something really independent and end-to-end encrypted check out "Threema" (www.threema.ch). It's a small swiss company that got a major boost.

I was highly

Thank you :)

(I would love to go back and correct some typos and structural muddle that occurred as I wrote it without reviewing somewhen late at night, though. So bare with me.)

As a designer i can tell you that whitespace is not a "on or off" thing...it's a thin line and it has to be very well balanced. There is no generic rule. And most importantly it must suit the content.

And I'm not saying that the old layout was better.
Neither did really suit the content of lifehacker.

And in my opinion

Yeah I know...but it doesn't improve the messiness of the site.
It's still cluttered, confusing, the site lacks a structure for it's content that is easily accessible for the user.

You can hear it nowadays in almost each and every lifehacker podcast...the authors themselves lost track of what's on the site, what has

As the image with the folder-like index-tabs of this post showed up in my feedreader I got really excited and thought this was the new lifehacker/gawker layout.
Just to come to this site and see this mess again...bummer!

Seriously...since the last change i haven't used your website at all.
If I read something I have to

Yes, I do this to! It works great :)
Mostly for the reason to not be able to open the files by accident when presenting in front of an audience or any other professional scenario...

Yes, saying "no" is the most effective way to avoid distractions.

If you don't want to go all-in on the side of news, I highly recommend you to use two feedly accounts.
I just recently created a second account and outsourced all the news that are not really essential. Like the casual reads. So I slimmed down on my daily