
I’d give you another star but would hate to take you to 70.

Let’s be real. That was totally the Browns.

Counterpoint to #1- Deviled Eggs are delicious. Fight me.

Do what I did as soon as I saw this. Cut your subscription. Stop feeding the beast.

What do you have against pineapples on pizza?

Grew up in the sticks in WA state, can confirm. Lots of raised pickups with US flags flying and confederate flags painted on hoods.

Clearly you just amend the law to exclude the browns. Problem solved?

Yes, I’m sure having people shooting back at the hotel to try to take out the gunman would have been an excellent way to stop him. Can’t see any downside to shooting at an occupied building.

I love me some Burgerville, but based on everything I’ve heard regarding Skyline Chili (and that picture....spaghetti????) I think it automatically invalidates this list.

God Damn it Russell....

You and me both. #facepalm

I’m a Seahawks fan. They’re averaging 10.5 and managed to win a game. Fuck the NFL.

Unfortunately we need more left-leaning folks IN those red states otherwise the situation gets worse. It’s bad enough for the electoral college totals, but amplified by the increased power it puts in the hands of the GOP senators/congressmenjackasses.

Fortunately in this state his vote doesn’t matter one iota. This area is so blue I’m sure it’s torture for him coming in every day.

You misunderstand me. I do not start these conversations, and have tried to avoid them since finding out he was a staunch conservative and Trump voter. I get stuck in the middle of them because we sit next to each other.

I would prefer this, however he’s the one that starts the political/scientific “debates”. It’s torture for me really.

So....today I’ve discovered one of my older co-workers (close to retiring) is bat-shit insane. He’s very good at his job, which requires critical thinking and logic, but when challenged about anything that questions his religious worldview (christian) he changes the subject or points to something nonrelevant. The

Hold the phone. Some of us are perfectly capable of watching GoT while simultaneously drinking alcohol and gambling on football.

the shit storm in DC has been going on 8 months now....

Congrats on your 69th star. Nice.