
Oh please. Perry’s dumb, but “world’s dumbest”? He’s easily smarter than the morons that voted for him.

Except in Seattle where the Sounders sell out most of their games.....

Who would rather it be the biggest douche in the universe?

Shout out to Spokanistan!

Hide yo’ kids, but especially hide yo’ wife!

As a Seattle fan still bitter about SBXL I say fuck the Steelers and their zebra stripes friends.

“That’s nothing. Our busses hang over the freeway!”

Now that you mention it you’re probably right. I wasn’t considering the possibility there were multiple CBAs but it really makes no sense for the players union to negotiate the number of refs.

I get that, but renegotiating the CBA is a bitch. Remember what happened last time? For as easy of a fix as this should be the NFL will surely make this molehill into a mountain.

Dray usually has a grip, however it’s usually a grip on someone else’s package.

Not sure if you caught it, but the article specifically states the CBA only allows 17 full time officials, no more.

Why exactly does the CBA limit the number of full time officials? I’m struggling to understand the significance of this.

Agreed his real memes are terrible, but Magary has been doing these spoofs for a while.

You do realize this is a spoof meme, right? Schilling did not in fact make this.

Meanwhile, the concussion protocol still consists of an intern forcing a brain-addled player to complete a maze on a Denny’s kiddie placemat.

So the Mariners are still never going to win the World Series? I’m going back to sleep.

As one of the 5 remaining Mariners’ fans I’m expecting all of these promising moves to fail in the end.


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