
I sometimes wonder if she really believes all this bullshit or if she’s doing it because of how much she gets paid.....or at least how much trump promises she’all be paid

Imagine the tweets we’ll see now that “the shackles are off”....

Donald Trump 2016: Making America Great Again Revealing New Kinds of Stupidity

Hard to watch, yes. What I want to know is....is Pence dropping out?

You know folks, you know something...this is just a distraction by the liberal media to take the focus off how we’re going to make america GREAT again. Folks, if crooked Hillary Clinton hadn’t spent all this time, and she spent a lot of time, believe me, if she hadn’t spent all this time with these distractions, we

FOOTBAW don’t stop for no measly 15" of rain!

I’m of the ‘refuse to pay $45 per month for NFL Sunday Ticket’ variety. Seriously that is ridiculous. I get roughly half of my team’s games on Fox/CBS/national games anyway (live in So-Cal, Seahawks fan), the others I can watch at the local BJ’s/BWW.

You assume that Trump knows what a Venn Diagram is.

Damn it I posted this exact quote before I saw yours.

Starred simply for ‘Can’t with the south with all that inbreedin’

What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God

Counterpoint: You suck.


Donald Trump’s inability to let things go after he’s called out is akin to young Marty McFly’s inability to turn down a challenge when he’s called a chicken.

How about Antarctica instead?

+1 for getting the wrinkles out of the Bulldog’s scrot.

Sure you can try to get the crawler and whatnot removed from the screen, but if you do, watch out because BIG GRAPHIC will be all over you like white on rice.


“The Costanza”

“The Costanza”