
Anyone who places an “I did that” sticker on anything has exactly zero understanding of global economics.

Which is essentially any and all change.

they LOVE Dodge cars and trucks

They’re probably the same folks who can’t handle the current Charger having four doors. 

he’s already receiving death threats for the changes”

The fuck is wrong with people? Seriously? Its a fucking car. If your life is made so horrible by a car no longer burning dinosaur goo, consider yourself lucky to have no real problems in life.

Just another in a long list of reasons to stay far away from Texass...

I said I wouldn’t buy a Subaru with this transmission.

Trump trash. 

and they should

Seems awfully popular among MAGAts & the other fragile jerkoffs that make up the American Fascist Party/GOP.

It’s not idiotic, it’s just another lie, and that is intentional. Right-wing media are not in the “truth” business. Quite the opposite. What right-wingers exclusively want to hear is fake stuff, the faker the better, e.g., Qanon. In fact, whenever right-wing media accidentally broadcast verifiable facts, their core

“It’s one banana, Michael. What can it cost? 10 dollars?”

Your link is to the Bronco Sport not its big brother the Bronco. Two separate platforms.

... and I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em.

Now playing

this is the only thing that comes to mind for this story.

People say this, and while I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, think about it this way.

If a sales person tells someone that car A is notorious for having problems, there’s a good chance that the potential buyer will now be wary about all of the other cars (especially the used ones) on the lot. Then the question

Mee-sa deep froat! DEEP FROAT MEE-SA!”

These people also believe that Carrotface von Golfcart was anointed by Jesus himself to lead the United States to be a new Christian caliphate country based on the scriptures as interpreted by televangelists and popular Christian books who rather ignore the actual words in favor of their own demented world-view.

They had to put their secession plans on hold in order to grovel to the US Government for help in their crisis. But don’t worry, they’ll go back to being insufferable once the snow melts.

Manufacturers SUGGESTED Retail Price. Nobody ever complains when they manage to buy a car below MSRP, which happens all the time every day. So don’t complain when the market decides the price is above MSRP. If you don’t think its a fair price, don’t buy one of these stupid TRX trucks for six to 12 months and you’ll be