@Andrew Falkenhan: not 3rd party.
@Steven Hott: its not 3rd party usb devices there blocking
@aang003: because sony is protecting its sales of official controllers along with the sales of officially incensed third party controllers
@Attilla the Hoon: this has nothing to do with the move.
@drag: its more protection than hurting
@rich8606: of course all this actually is saying is that sony will ban the use of counterfeit ds3 on its system
@treytakahashi: wrong the USD is about 96 cents to the CAD
you do understand that the Canadian dollar is stronger?
not even the collectors edition thor
@Shinobiii: you obviously dont understand
@burritofest: theres steam for mac is this title not available?
@krztov: you know this was a big problem in the beta and they nerfed cannoning a lot
@square enigma: protoss has always required more micro the units cost more & have shields so you have to pay more attention to them
@Giantmoth: run past photon cannon to mineral line...
@KixCereal: ultralisk attack isnt overpowered?
@krztov: you just gotta keep an eye on your ramp
@Madness87: yeah i agree that BC's did not deserve a nerf.
oh my god.
@The Sentient Meat:"who wants to pretend there hand is a gun what is this third grade Pew Pew Pew"