ikea those crazy Swedes
ikea those crazy Swedes
@Ironfungus: no controllerless gaming doesnt work. Period.
product will be droped as fast as the microsoft kin
@DrakeDatsun: just because it outsold its competitor doesnt make it as successful and profitable as they wanted
@hulahoophugs: there was a beta prerelease html 5 player for sometime this is kinda an official release
@Spatula: i totally understand where your coming from ive been making flash applications since i was 15 in my first real technology class
@Grimueax: haha you've hearted
@zimbabwaenquadrillionare: i would appreciate him giving them at least the option
@Tenshigure: thank you
@moonshadowkati: exactly an you feel like a idiot and they look at you all high and mighty
i actually have a lot better reliability and faster loads with html 5 vs the frequent crashes from adobe
@uncutlateralus: i wouldn't but there are plenty of people who love to waste money just like paying 50 a year for xbox live
i didn't realize that bluetooth headset were that popular
@dragon:ONE: three weeks and you know your be married.. right
@MacAttack: id promote this if i could
@Grimueax: sry sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet when your attempting of the web it helps to put
@Clive Bavels: i think he a house hold name with blockbuster hits such as Superbad & Juno
@Mommar: yes rockband is bring new experiences to the genre
@Grimueax: of the casual community? the wii community?
@uncutlateralus: i dont think it will succeed as a controller replacement but as a entrainment enhacenment