
Counterpoint; Rubén Amaro Jr.

I bet you’re a real delight at parties.

You’re just sad he’s right.

That is not socialism. It is a list of public services. The two are not synonymous.

“Someone dislikes a thing I like so I can’t like them anymore.” God forbid someone disagrees with you. How dare he.

Why, exactly, would you like him any less after those comments? I really want to see you actually write the words justifying your comment.

Why would you let this ruin him for you? The man has an opinion. It may differ from yours, but he’s entitled to it. I like him because he calls a great game of baseball. I’ve never looked to him for ideological guidance.

I’d love to hear how this ruined Vin Scully for you. Did he make false statements? Is it a good thing that, in a country where people are dying in food riots, the well-to-do are (gasp!) part of the dictatorship? Fuck and no are the correct answers, Junior.

Please, by all means, enlighten us with your worldly views on

Because all rich people are assholes, right?

I know just the lawyer to handle this high-profile case.

Pretty sure the Jays were the ones in the ALCS, and they didn’t have players physically assult another player twice because they were but-hurt about losing, so I’d say we won.

The most iconic bat flip in MLB history led to the most iconic jack in the face in MLB history.

Plus he’s white. Let’s be honest, that’s why you hate him.

Really should consider changing the title to “Liberal Arts Majors Are Bullshit”.

A Kershaw truther. Just perfect

My hot take is, crazy baseball trade suggestions are good.

Trying really hard to understand this, and coming up empty.

Poor guy. I really feel bad for him. Can you imagine having to move to Philly?

I don’t blame him for being mellow. Even if he doesn’t make it as a pitcher, at least he still has that High School Musical money to fall back on.