
The thing is, Ronda probably thought it was PR bullshit. And she didn’t realize it wasn’t until it was too late.

she got punched in the face a bunch

I’m not even a fan of MMA or UFC, but after reading the fan-wank article earlier today I felt the irrational urge to watch that fight and call myself team Holm.


bet that guy who said ronda is the most overrated is feelin pretty smug right now

I apologize to everyone here - I actually am a diagnosed self-hating schizto with mommy issues. And I AM A TROLL - at least I admit it.

You are a sad pathetic person.

Flag that one too, then shove the flag up your ass.

Speaking of “purposefully distractive” the real issue is women’s libido. It is interesting to me that you don’t seem to even acknowledge that women exist beyond a noun in your rants and ravings and just focus on men. There are women out there, a specialist listed above says 6% of the population, who have no libido

Its a joke. The whole damn video is satire making fun of frat boys

Thank you! It’s like half of his thing was typical bro humor making fun of women and half of it was deliberately bad advice making fun of men/ pick up artists/ dating self help (the jokes about not tipping, lying about yourself/emotions, impressing girls by telling them how much beer you “smashed”, super obvious

That’s how I took it, as well.

This is clearly satire and I am surprised that you took it seriously. Look at the sources he cites and that he provided advice such as “lie...” He is an aspiring comedian and that is how he should be assessed.

Uh; this story is from early 2014 from the date on the linked article. I thought it sounded familiar, and thought “Hey are these guys STILL at it, assaulting female joggers?”, but no, it’s the story from Feb. 24/2014.

Am I missing something? It looks like this happened almost 2 years ago?

That is not what that study says. The scope was to determine if their means of hospital transport impacted their survival rate. They included both gunshot and stabbing victims.

Aha! Thank you. It’s just called smoking shisha here. The guy was telling us how they make the resin that they put in the shisha. It’s just compacted tobacco and sugar and stuff. And it’s really bad for your lungs. I like the one that tastes of apple...

Weren't the Warrens the ones that came up with the Amityville scam?

Finding male performers is difficult unfortunately. You have to get an erection on command, hold it for how ever long it takes to shoot a scene (sometimes a couple hours), ejaculate on command, and sometimes do all that a few times a day. A lot of guys will try, but most can’t perform like that.

I have to laugh at the old trope that women watch porn as much as men, because according to the “scientists” at Marie Claire, women’s porn watching is “grossly underreported!!!!1!”

Except, they’re not. No one ever says “We want the speed limit through our village to be 30 mph because stoned people driving at 90mph might kill someone”. They say “We want the speed limit through our village to be 30 mph because evidence shows that a pedestrian hit at 30 mph is significantly more likely to survive