
Does she even talk about women’s rights? It’s just empty 90s era grrrrrl power YA!!111 make dat ass wurk for u girl! garbage.

LMAO. Why would you like her? I find it hilarious that people think she is anything more than a selfish, annoying moron. Is it because she has some kind of quasi female empowerment thing going on? Because even that side of her is really shallow.

This might be the single most banal and uninteresting piece of celebrity gossip ever published.

Listening to her speak is like audible valium.

Christ that exceedingly proper manner of speaking from back then is fucking annoying isn’t. “One can make one’s private bedroom’s as one wishes” Also I love that they are just asking her what she wants to do around the White House, like put up curtains and decorate and shit.

Really no different than Kate Middleton or Diana. People play up this “grace and dignity” angle when it comes to people like this like they split the atom. All it takes is a certain personality type that doesn’t mind waving for cameras and being prim and proper and not ruffling too many feathers.

What that really shows is just how right wing America is as a nation. Even the supposed “left wing” Democratic Party is actually quite right wing by most country’s standards eg: Canada. Bernie Sanders would be a centrist in Canada and he’s thought of as extreme left in the States.

Well, in which case a reasonable answer is “No” or “Unsure”. It’s not in itself a mark of stupidity to not recognize that Agrabah is from Aladdin, and it’s certainly not a mark of stupidity to not be able to recognize all arabic/middle eastern cities to the point where you can immediately tell Agrabah isn’t a real

I have liked to hear how a really radically fascist question polled...something like “Do you believe Muslims in the USA should be banned from owning property?” or “Do you believe Muslims should be segregated from mainstream society until the terror threat can be solved?” I guarantee you would have at least 25% of

I think if you asked Trump the right questions and framed them in the right way, he would happily and readily admit that he believes an unchecked dictatorship is what this country needs. You just need to frame it as a positive thing about strong leadership not being weighed down by the frivolous concerns of the weak

I read an interesting article about him once but can’t find it. I wasn’t aware he had other appearances on Conan, but he’s definitely not some kind of actor or anything. He lives this character and could often be found in the streets of New York in full kit.

Lol, what is this supposed to mean? She’s an actress...You’re saying you need the actor playing somebody to have actually gone through something similar to the character to play them effectively? A lot of great actors throughout history would have been shit out of luck if that were the case!

Seriously, it’s dramatic. Her eyes are like an inch farther apart than Portman’s.

Body shame much?

I’m amazed it was not an issue. Good cops! I tend to think most would take it as a personal insult and get really pissy and abusive with you.

Seriously how can a doctor be so dumb?

Except we all know women can’t ever REALLY choose something like this. If she did, it’s only because her will was bent by the incontrovertible, omnipotent power of the patriarchy.

Actually, no. Google Sportsman of the Year covers. At least half of the covers with male athletes depict them in suits/streetwear.

Now playing

Mad TV shits on SNL from a great height. Lorraine going to the dentist is still one of the funniest sketches ever made.

Why would you think that? The people they interview are incredibly unremarkable, so it’s not like they would be using actors to spruce up the bit with lively characters. So what’s the point? So they can spend a bunch of time and money casting and hiring actors when they could just go into the street and get genuine