
I too have noticed this sudden trend of people calling Snopes unreliable, usually referring to it as some kind of liberal con job. It’s pretty convenient because if you link someone to a Snopes article now they just say “Nope, Snopes is unreliable, everyone knows that.” They can dismiss it immediately without having

I don’t know much about Selma and haven’t seen it, but the Emmys are for television. Saying this movie has a “Made for Tv Movie Vibe” just means you think it sucked. So he’s not right. Either say it deserved an Acamedy award nomination or it didn’t but acting like it’s some kind of problem with how it was classified

I think his point is that if you think that, why call it pseudo-macho? The implication of derisively calling it pseudo macho is that you think actual machismo is something positive, and Mailer’s problem is that he didn’t effect it well enough.

“they could have chosen to ask models such as Andreja Pejic, an Australian trans model, to appear in the film.”

So, unlikely, but seems like you should still have to disclose then if you will be kissing someone as part of a job.

Isn’t it true though that you can contract HIV from kissing someone with a cut inside their mouth?

Agreed...bacon and eggs is one thing but sickly sweet donuts or pastries first thing after waking up? I don’t get it.

Yeah Kim was pretty mean. All the characters were quite flawed, even the younger boys (Neil in particular was kind of a smarmy douche).

That’s why the Joker was able to get away with his crimes for so long...

She didn’t live in this apartment anymore. She was just the last known tenant, so no reason to think this man had even been there.

Neither the male companion nor the woman were living in this apartment. She was the last tenant but had moved out when neighbours found the corpses. She was arrested along with the man elsewhere in a different village, so he could easily have never been there, knew about the babies,or even knew her very well.

I think the rule is you can’t kick someone on the ground while you are on your feet. Otherwise it’s fairly standard to go in for the kill like that to finish them off, the referee’s job to stop the fight if it’s obvious the fighter can’t defend themself. The ref stopped it almost as soon as he could.

It’s a little pathetic that one minute she’ supposedly “The most dominant athlete in the world” and then now it’s “Well maybe she can still make some money playing dress up in a wrestling soap opera”

Pure hype for Rousey and everybody bought it. Even people who thought she was overrated thought Holm would be a push over. Luckily for Vegas not only did they buy the hype when setting odds, probably everybody else did. I’m sure a lot of people lost money betting on the “sure thing” Rousey thinking they could make a

Ok but that’s my point...I have no trouble believing that is the main cause of food contaminated BY FOOD WORKERS (how else can they contimate food except by poor hygiene?)...But how many cases of contaminated food are of the type caused by food workers, as opposed to spoiled food, food that has been contimated with

Well of course restaurants make people sick but I wonder how much of that is from poor hand washing/no gloves (ie: cross contamination) and how much is just from bad food. I am generally of the opinion that concerns about germs are pretty overblown anyways. Maybe that’s because I’ve never gotten food poisoning. I

Except his call was that it would be a one off shot, one lucky head kick that hit right and knocked Rousey down. That’s not what happened. Rousey was barely standing by the time that head kick landed. Had she not head kicked she would have finished her off with punches soon enough. Rousey was likely concussed and

Lol, to put that into perspective for you, the world woman’s record for the 100m is 10.49. The high school boy’s record for 100m is 10.98. That’s HIGH SCHOOL BOYS. The woman’s world record doesn’t even QUALIFY you for the olympics in the men’s category.

People were even saying she could beat most male UFC fighters in her weight division before this fight tonight. It’s silly...

Haha wow, there’s reaching for excuses for the woman, and then there’s that...