
Yeah, but you’re a dude. Do you KNOW how many lectures I got from guys and gals alike about how I was just being uptight and it was all in good fun and omg it’s not like he MEANS it it’s all just jokes and gawd just get a sense of humor for ONCE omg you know feminists just have no sense of humor...

Irony is a difficult word to define, but you know it when you see it.

Oh thank god, are we allowed to just openly hate on Tucker Max now?

i don’t know, the fact that he’s now making her book all about himself? that’s definitely something. 

When done properly, amoral audacity is hilarious (just look at the Marx Brothers movies)

I seem to land on this thought at least once a day these days: this is the movie Idiocracy come to life.

Incorrect. Copious amounts of drink help me feel better but it actually gets rid of my already tiny filter and leads to me making proclamations to my girlfriend’s mom like “look, you may not mean to be racist but you are 100% classist against poor poople and that essentially amounts to the same thing in this

Do your part, get out there and crank out uneducated, bitter little white babies who will vote against their own self interest for the rest of their miserable lives. It’s our only hope!

His face hurts my eyes. I couldn’t even watch the video for more than a few seconds. The way he speaks makes me irrationally angry.

They mean White people, folks.

*sigh* I look at them and I just want to give them a warm meal and a bath. And then call the police.

It’s not enabling. Addicts are going to shoot up whether they have access to clean needles. No one says, “You know, I was never going to use heroin. But then I discovered there was a needle exchange in my town so I figured, ‘Why the hell not?’”

It’s like the Suicide Squad Joker come to life but if he was a child sexual predator rather than just played by one.

Weird, the guy with face tattoos makes ridiculously bad decisions.

His Christian name is Teka$hi69.

this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers

Town Car and driver on account. I’m not an animal.

It probably has something to do with leaning in and all that crap.

>> encouraged users to sit in the front seat with their on-demand chauffeurs <<