yacht, rock, connect-ti-cot
yacht, rock, connect-ti-cot
I was bullied as a kid, and I would never work for a known con artist and sexual predator. You can still despise him, he wanted to be on the bullying side. #GOP
Wait. So you’re saying that the plot of Flat Stanley is... fiction?
Blow job impeachment? Nobody in their right mind took that seriously.
Hey, North Carolina GOP: if Clarence Thomas thinks you are racist motherfuckers, you are definitely, indubitably, 100 percent racist motherfuckers.
Being the “best country in the world™” means fucking acting like it.
A “loving husband” who had to resign amid allegations of sexually harassing practically every woman who ever worked at Fox News.
Progressive. MRA. Pick one.
His mistake was commenting under a too-simple username. For instance, I cleverly changed only a single letter of my real name to create an impenetrable net identity. No one will ever match the “justice” I mete out online to my real-life...
This just proves what I’ve always believed: bicyclists are history’s greatest monsters.
No, look. Shut up. The human heart can only hold so much love. It’s basic science stuff. And if you really love and care about your family and Jesus like Republicans do, then you don’t have enough room left to love anyone else. Cause Jesus takes up a fucking shit load of space in the human heart. That’s another…
A straight conservative man, no less. It’s like waving a red flag in front of an especially stupid bull.
Siblings in grief are allowed to be accidental asshats.
Tony Moran just knows the easiest way to destroy a straight man’s ego is to talk about his penis size. It’s cheap but effective.
I hate douchbro penis measuring, but honestly if some asshat said those kind of things about my recently deceased sibling and then tried to brush it off because it’s ok to rag on drug addicts but not cancer patients (like wtf Chachi!) I would go out of my way to destroy the asshat in any way I could think of. I don’t…
Habeas corpus? We speak English here, take that talk back to Latin America.
I can’t wait for the outpouring of outrage from conservatives who claim to be concerned about federal government overreach and jackbooted federal thugs.
We moved from the city to the burbs, and all my city friends are like single and not wanting to come out by us EVER.
My suburbs friends suck and I have finally taken the advice from the lovely people of Jezebel and left their biased, racist, pearl covered clutches.
So my husband and I are at square one and I feel bad…
One thing I’ve learned while traveling around the country is that racist shitbags are numerous and everywhere. Visiting family in Long Island are some of the worst experiences I’ve ever had. Fuck that place.
I believe his daughter if she says her father didn’t own a gun.