Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.
Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.
My sister and I argue about this all the time. We grew up fairly lower middle-class, but our grandparents were always there to buy new tires or help my mom with grocery money. So many people don’t have that and when you do have it - that safety net - it’s easy to take it for granted that you aren’t really looking at…
Oh my god YES. I hear people talking about how their parents are giving them $20K for a wedding, or $30K for a down payment on a home, or paying for their college tuition entirely. Must be really fucking nice.
Good example.
I’m torn between my belief in freedom of expression and my sheer annoyance towards a certain type of vegan.
That’s right. Disenfranchising people isn’t as easy as the GOP makes it seem.
Opossums are known for only one thing: Being hit by cars at night.
Just a note to weigh in: I am aggressively not doing the things on this list and also drinking.
Not really but it would have at least have been a competing narrative to the god damn emails.
Bingo, but because it’s trump and Fox News....nbd, just like his Playmate affair...nbd. When you’re vile AF all the time, little stuff like cheating is not big league!
I’m beginning to think this Trump guy is a bit of an asshole.
OK, so for some male perspective: I played basketball & track in H.S., and BBall in college. I seem to recall the occasional “hey, did you catch so-and-so on the women’s team? She’s really hot. Damn right she is. Know if she’s available?”
I think Sarandon is voting with her brain. Too bad her brain is petty and entitled.
If I wasn’t so nervous about googling “rim shot” on my work computer, there would be a rim shot gif here.
All these men are too emotional to be President.
*puts on tinfoil hat*
I loathe Trump as much as the next Jezebel commenter, but I hate this sign stealing/burning stuff.