
If Tim Pawlenty runs on the R side she could get steamrolled. Need a stronger Dem candidate (and a female one, please).

The Democrats haven’t elected a first-term president older than 52 since the 1880s.

Did Hillary refuse to concede? Claim voter fraud (as Trump did)?

*Unless it’s Jesus-College

Why not both?

She is courageous for speaking out. But did I miss the part of the article where Ms. Greene realized that the GOP are complete scumbags and that she had wasted her time in Washington working for people promoting an abjectly misogynist agenda?

They could move the embassy tomorrow - “embassy” and “consulate” are merely designations for diplomatic missions. The U.S. has a consulate in Jerusalem - they could change the nameplate so it says “embassy” and it would be done.

I believe “hammer it home before they turn 18" is one of Roy Moore’s campaign slogans.

It’s a safe Democratic seat, with a replacement appointed by a Democratic governor. No change to math.

It’s still the right thing to do.

You forgot the part where the no-bid contract is awarded to a six-man startup in a deep red state to backfill the regular FEMA employees, costing millions more than it would have for a far sh!ttier result.

So if he refused to bake challah bread (because he thinks the Jews killed his beloved Jesus) that would be legit as well? This is a weak legal argument at best.

Statutory would be if it was consensual.... He’s just a rapist-rapist.  

I think this belongs in Barf Bag?

Would you like me to FedEx you a straw dog to fight?

Silly soldiers. Chasing prostitutes in Vietnam is so several-wars-ago.

The Dems cannot afford this drip-drip. He needs to resign ASAP (and probably needed to anyway since he’s EIGHTY EIGHT DAMN YEARS OLD).

Crackers gonna crack.

I dought youw chawactewization of Mw. Session’s wooks was pwetty unfaiw....

Time to take a knee, Franken.