

Would anyone care to share why voting for this particular wasted individual is not a wasted vote?

You can’t spell Wharton without “What??”

This cracker doesn’t know enough words, period, to be tried on a charge like that.

True. But lack of under-30 turnout combined with the AngerBear nation will put Trump in the White House for sure. Praying that doesn’t happen.

tbf he was a raging douche to her for much of the interview

They look pretty cilia.

Other than, you know, cannibalism.

They do not comprehend the “emergency” in emergency medical treatment? If these people had been in anaphylactic shock from an allergy they would also be getting epinephrine for free. It’s called human decency.

Exercise your second amendment rights?

Well trolled.

She’s a careful and calculating liar. Now turn your attention to the other side of the aisle. What do you see there, sporto?

This. The gender pay gap would still exist (because: sexism) but would be smaller if women spoke up to ask for what is rightfully theirs.

I bet it feels like punching a Jell-o mold.

You hate Freedom, Tom.

1) Remove head from ass

Because... he’s so good at accepting blame and admitting his own shortcomings?

Suggested RNC Attire:

Too Canadian; Didn’t Read

Jesus being born.