
I also laughed when reading that. No doubt it was the essay prompt which Chait's editor gave him to start the article.

What would you term the examples Chait uses (specifically, protesting/banning campus speakers with potentially offensive viewpoints) instead of political correctness?

If you're trying to out-creep your burner name, it's working.

LOL and I suppose the defense budget is going to be cut as well?

I may also question the assumption that any folks who steer someone into an MFA qualify as "good white people".

"Las Vegas-based dietitian" sounds similar to "Saudi Arabia-based bartender"

If you mean Edward Said, you're spot on there.

Have you watched the Eric Garner video? There is no attack. There is no threat to the officer (who was armed and with at least 3 other armed cops). I guess he failed the "selling unlicensed cigarettes while black" test? How this is debatable (and un-indictable) is a mystery.

And Tim is the tallest midget in the circus.

Hoopers are the new Birthers

"Parsons, yang pernah bermain bola basket untuk Universitas Hawaii"