
Put antifreeze in your brake fluid to prevent it from freezing if you live in a cold climate.

He hasn’t even took office yet....

Why are you so angry?

A right leaning piece on Gawker? I had to pinch myself.

Just more fear mongering from the far left. Guy hasn’t even took office yet, and they’re already placing blame on him. I didn’t vote for Trump, but at least give the President-elect a chance.

Keep the political shit, and your political views off this board. Please. If you want to rant about the election start writing for jezebel, deadspin, etc. and pass the jalopnik torch to somebody else. Thanks.

I love you Jalopnik.

Seriously, Jalopnik is the only board I can somewhat stand on this site. Save the far left political shit for Gawker.

Great reply. Unfortunately, your opinion will not be well received. This is a very far left board.

I agree with the Toyota truck bros. The 4runner and Land Cruiser guys are even worse than them.

Exactly. This is Jalopnik. Take this article to other cancerous Liberal sub-forums. Cars only here please!

You’re a low life piece of shit.

And the Tacoma. All three vehicles tailights look exactly the same.

This is the most I’ve ever seen you type.

A lot of what you posted goes for every department in the dealership. After 10 years in it I’m ready to move on. Dead end job, long hours, management sucks, pay plans keep changing because higher ups think you make too much money. I’m done.

Question to those defending these refugees, how many of you will PERSONALLY take them into your home and house them?

Not a salesman, but I do work at a dealership. I can confirm this statement. It’s not anything personal, we’re just blowing off some steam.

As the owner of a MK6 GTI, I find this news very disappointing. If I wanted a 4dr, I’d buy a Jetta.

Any rider, any REAL rider, knows that you always begin on a Liter bike. ALWAYS.

Lately, I really want a early 90's BMW. I think I need to schedule a psych appointment.