
Sorry, RWD cars with power...

Just take your smartphone, put the video you want to share on the screen, and try to throw the phone up into a cloud.

Should be mandatory for all mustang buyers to watch a PSA about leaving cars and coffee.

I am pretty sure the point is your parcel would be delivered to your car, not your house, specifically because you aren’t at home.

1 + Everything butt

This is why I read the comments section.


+2 (in the pink)

Sure he did, cry and promise not to tell anyone.

This is the darkest timeline

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

Why would you tease me with something that sounds so wonderful? Not dealing with a dealership is a dream.

Neutral: The traditional dealer system, as we know it, wouldn’t exist today if it wasn’t for laws that basically require it to work this way. Imagine using the “build your own” feature on a manufacturer’s web site, and on the summary page there’s an Amazon-like “buy now” button. After arranging financing (which you

Lets really “class up” that Bentley with some plastic pipe organ speakers. Only $19.95 in my 1973 JC Whitney catalog.

Looks like he made it worse then.

#NeverForget their amazingly hideous matching hairdos that made them look like twins from Village of the Damned.