So much for “I’m out” eh? You really couldn’t just take that breather.
So much for “I’m out” eh? You really couldn’t just take that breather.
Except that as mentioned, this wasn’t some hole in a wall bar or comedy club, this was a major and large scale venue with lots more people and tons more security. Regardless of who is performing and in light of all the mass shootings lately, it should not be that easy for an armed person to sneak weapons in, jump on…
No, he directly said how its bad that armed people feel emboldened enough to attack performers on stage. And yes, lots of famous, mostly music performers, have been attacked/rushed by fans on stage before many times over the years, hence why security is usually high at this things which is what he also said by…
A man gets attacked and all people can say is ‘Fuck Dave Chapelle’ Yes, the upstanding black and white moral folk of the AVclub comments strike again. I tell you if Hitler was trans youse guys probably would’ve let the holocaust go.
Violence is not the way. Public violence is absolutely not the way. Get over your ego.
Very rarely, a few times in a lifetime, you watch a movie and when you finish it, nothing can ever be the same. Walls have been pulled down, barriers broken, a dimension of feeling, of existence itself, has opened in you that was not there before. Top Gun: Maverick is a film of this magnitude. Joseph Kosinski may be…
I really don’t understand why we have two different Dakotas, two different Virginias, but we don’t have two different Floridas.
Well, you see the narrative is that Ms. Wilde, who has toiled in obscurity for decades, was finally getting some recognition by the film industry’s most prestigious and well-known venue, the Las Vegas CinemaCon. Mr. Sudeikis seethed with jealousy over Ms. Wilde’s success and the success of Strong Women everywhere.…
Definitely me! Because in addition to being a lawyer I am also mad on the internet!
What offices who handle celebrity clients are familiar with is completely irrelevant. This office represents Sudeikis. They, the office, have no reason to be looking out for the public image interests of someone else who is not their client. Their ethical responsibility is to their client.
Okay man. You are committed to blaming Jason Sudeikis for the actions of someone he had no idea even existed, even though you haven’t even the slightest hint of a clue about and zero practical experience with what is involved in this process. Go for it, my dude. I, as a woman, very much appreciate your mansplaining…
The only way to win against recognitions is to never engage him at all.
OMG, stop stalking me!!!!
Only because you suck at providing receipts for your bullshit.
Uhh cuz she is a cheating trash person trying to stifle her ex’s right to co-parent??? Seems pretty obvs to me.
I see you’ve upgraded from stretching the truth to straight up lying.
I’ve been calling out these shoddy writers for years and have been perma-grey’d as a result; so congratulations and thank you for bringing the criticism that so many of these kinja “journalists” deserve.
It depends. I think people may not remember culture clashes or, at the very least, if the culture clash is something happening to an “other”, then, yeah, I don’t think that has many repercussions. Taking money out of someone’s pocket (e.g., taxing Orange/Osseola)—I personally think that’s something people remember.…
Big Homophobia? How about Big Bestiality?
Another way to see the Stranger Things budget would be: is Stranger Things worth 50% more per episode than “The Pacific” cost over a decade ago? Is it worth twice as much as “See”?