buh-lurred lines

Hayden’s firmly in his lane as overdetermined Hamlet...the characterizations in the sequel trilogy are far blander.

Counterpoint: neither of them could act but at least Daisy Ridley could smile.

Because it’s fucking boring as shit, not having any of the stuff that makes movies feel human.

Counterpoint: this movie sucked ass and you’re all corporate shills for trying to force it down our throats.

This article is hilariously racist. 

Anti-white racism is a thing and many people on this site have it.

Below Mel Gibson”

-The AV Club

God that Bleach thing completely spiralled out of control, huh?

In their meager defense they did that last year...wasn’t much to say about it.

You’re right, replace them with all whities THEN we’ll congratulate them!

Racist turd.

cool cool

Not everyone wants to go to DeviantArt tho.

He would have definitely improved that movie.

Yeah, early on, with Miramax. Weinstein Company stuff was debatable.

Hollywood wasn’t rocked at all, they already knew about him.

But you do have the time and energy to comment relentlessly whenever his name crops up.

These guys and the commentors are simply Disney shills and they know Zac is a threat to their lame cultural dominance.

Counterpoint: all Synder’s fanbois have accurately assessed the situation (y’all are mindlessly nostalgic) and are right to come back at you for all the weirdly hateful things y’all said.

Janelle Monae sang on Grimes’ track Venus Fly.

You don’t need to have met this woman, merely have followed her story.