buh-lurred lines

Really? I saw it as an ad to beware of Lexus drivers.

They have similar body shapes.


Interesting idea, but the problem is people aren’t going to the movies. We’d be wasting taxpayer dollars propping those theaters up pointlessly.

I always see right-wingers complaining about “unrelated pork and stipulations”, but have never seen them cite an example. It’s as vague as the pedo-mongering from Qanon.

The government hasn’t done anything useful regarding this pandemic since April. This AMC story is just a small part of that point.

Isn’t he a little old for this stuff?

Sometimes it’s one, sometimes it’s the other. In Johnny Depp’s case, for instance, I’d say the substance abuse led to his other problems. With Shia, Nick Carter, Lindsey Lohan and other troubled stars it’s likely they came out of the womb that way.

He was great in that Indiana Jones movie, it was Cate Blanchett that tanked it.

Mentally ill white people get shot by cops all the time what are you on about?

In the grand debate of nature versus nurture, I believe Shia is like this. I know for sure he copped to being like this even as far back as the first Transformers movie when EW did a profile on him and his background. He wasn’t raised by his parents who also had very short tempers and so on...Remember Nick Carter and

Maybe if Comcast wasn’t pulling Troy’s strings...*cue Master of Puppets*

In Community, Troy calls Britta “the AT@T” of people...yet Community, an NBC show, is owned by Comcast...subtle. Quite subtle.

Well, obviously some don’t, but I’d say this guy does...he says he’d wait for the vaccines!

Well, one thing that’s pretty unique about Parasite is that there’s no real preconceived moral viewpoint. The movie isn’t really preaching overtly to you, simply relating a story.

Never understood the hate for McCain, he literally saved Obamacare all by himself.

Remember when people tried to get firsties on the comment boards? I do.

Hopefully the fact that Patty Jenkins is throwing her weight behind Snyder will force certain goombas to reassess their opinions of his often fascinating movies.

Their album This Is Where I Came In is one of the better Dinosaur Pop records too. Plenty of great stuff on there.