buh-lurred lines

This premise sounds like every poor parent’s dream: to get their kid into an affluent school without paying for it. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

The sequel trilogy was largely boring and occasionally risible in a very 2010's way, but the thing that bugs me the most is the Kylo Ren character. Vader was at least cool, even though he too had rage issues. He didn’t throw his helmet around like an angry toddler. And the feud between Kylo and that ginger-haired guy

How can they be considered “Hollywood Chris’s” when their movies are filmed in Atlanta?

As well he shouldn’t, because he was defending himself. Hopefully people on this site will be better informed by then.

Maybe they should peacefully protest instead of rioting and looting and attacking teenagers, that’ll keep them from “getting murdered in the street”.

To call these people protestors and not rioters and arsonists is giving them a pass on responsibility. No point in reading the rest of what you wrote if you can’t get the basic facts down.

Then why charge him with murder if his case doesn’t fit the legal definition? They missed the boat on manslaughter (not that it would have stuck anyways since they attacked first)

“He refers to protestors as arsonists/hooligans”

No, I refer to arsonists/hooligans as arsonists/hooligans. Peaceful protest absolutely doesn’t factor into this topic because these arsonists were in the process of committing arson.

I’ll take an illegal gun owner over arsonists, looters, pedos (yes an actual pedo and not just some Qanon shit) and domestic abusers any day. Sorry.

It certainly would have changed mine.

You guys are the ones supporting domestic terrorism in this case. 

I agree with you! On the other hand, those arsonists weren’t wanted, needed and shouldn’t have been there either, and they attacked first. If you wanna get him on gun charges, fine by me. But to call what happened on video “murder” or their victims anything but domestic terrorists of their own? That can’t happen.

It IS self-defense; he did not “put himself in a position” to get attacked, the attackers did. Why is the Left incapable of holding rioters to any sort of responsibility?

the looters and rioters had no skin in the game either.

You don’t know that he intended to shoot protestors any more than having a car means he was going to run them over. The police bring guns everywhere they go, that doesn’t mean they intend to murder every cashier they come across.

I don’t normally advocate for children to patrol the streets with guns, but if the result

His only crime was having the gun. Those rabid rioters didn’t HAVE to attack him for putting out a dumpster fire.

The article doesn’t mention anything about how the gun was obtained, only that he shot people. THAT is disingenious, thankfully this article came out after the election was over or we’d be looking at a very different America right now.

Here to say I was enormously dissapointed in Coppola’s Dracula movie. Real bummer about that one.

Well your logical fallacy is that just because he brought a gun somewhere doesn’t mean he was destined to use it. Self-defense is self-defense. On a factual basis, he worked at Kenosha and so never actually crossed state lines with the gun (and of course since he worked there it wasn’t exactly a “far-off land”).

I’m bringing up the guy being a convicted pedo to call attention to how utterly bonkers it is for AV club and fellow commentors to even try to paint him in a positive light...and that’s BEFORE we get to his actions that night. And yeah, the “victim” WAS a bad person and prolly deserved to die.