America must have a set amount of testosterone to survive as a people.
America must have a set amount of testosterone to survive as a people.
I never said it was high praise, but it sure as hell isn’t worth the gross vitriol spilled here against him.
Seriously though, why do people around here hate this guy so much? He makes movies that are fairly inoffensive and have fairly decent moral lessons while not really dating themselves. (Paul Greengrass and his shakycam schtick would have totally had “late-2000's” rubberstamped over every frame)
Have you considered taking a chill pill? He’s only a filmmaker.
I’m just too excited for Zac Snyder’s Justice League.
Zack Synder’s Justice League is gonna kick ass, I can’t wait.
I have considered that...yet I disagree.
“Vogue is an American monthly fashion and lifestyle magazine covering many topics, including fashion, beauty, culture, living, and runway, based in New York City.”
Men may not read Vogue magazine but their women likely do.
Vogue is an American magazine. Also I’m sure teenage girls are his target demo anymore, he IS getting toward 30 after all.
What does Biden even need from Trump’s team other than access to Dr. Fauci? Private companies should have no problem reaching out to him or his team.
It’s about the pussification of the American male, and this dress shit further demonizes traditional masculinity...or something.
Is the shitty take that Harry Styles is a god for wearing a dress? Because that ain’t mine.
This is gonna lead to a massive doxxing scandal, I can sense it.
Not really sure why she couldn’t release those re-recordings already though.
Have you considered that not everyone who objects to men in dresses is secretly turned on by them?
This article isn’t exactly proving them wrong, is it?
His latest album flopped so he’s trying to drum up interest.
That’s totally nuts as POC have the same opportunities white people have.