This is the one I was most hoping they would do. Awesome. I think she is the historical figure with the largest disparity in how well known she SHOULD be vs. how well known she is.
This is the one I was most hoping they would do. Awesome. I think she is the historical figure with the largest disparity in how well known she SHOULD be vs. how well known she is.
The Levar Burton excerpt from “The Problem with Jon Stewart” about the economy really points this up.
This is the exact point. Although infected people don’t seem to shed more viral particles, the number of particles required to infect someone is much lower (the infectivity of each virion is much higher).
I know a few doctors who changed the shape of their beard so they could achieve a tight seal with their N95 respirator (which are fit tested so they know they are actually fit correctly).
Well... the problem with using “it was an accident” as a defense against manslaughter is that the charge of manslaughter IMPLIES it was an accident. It’s part of the definition of manslaughter. They kept banging the accident drum hoping to distract the jury and make them feel bad for her, attempting jury nullification…
When I saw that screen shot as the intro graphic I shuddered, because stardew valley is the kind of game I can lose my life to (like Civ, don’t starve, and old school minecraft). Where you are constantly chugging along improving things, keeping everything efficient, trying to get the next thing that will make…
yeah, not sure how you’d get a bridgeport out of the house (at least easily enough to lend it.) And if you don’t own one, do you really know how to use it well enough to borrow it?
True, as Kevin Smith has pointed out on at least a yearly basis, Clerks (and his clerks universe related movies) made the vast majority of their money in video/dvd sales and rentals.
This is exactly what the UK does. There are armed response units, those officers typically only carry hand guns but have the ability to access higher powered weapons if an even more thoroughly trained officer okays it. After being a probationary officer for 2 years people can apply to become an Armed Officer. Then…
same question. Every month I “buy” whatever games are available on ps+ (unless they seem totally unlike anyone in our house would ever play). since all games played by my kids are played with friends we will always have PS+ so I will always have those games. I Would be annoyed if I lost access to games on a monthly…
This is great news to read.
This is the first time I have read the interstitial text in an inventory post... and darn it... it was worth it.
This is the first time I have read the interstitial text in an inventory post... and darn it... it was worth it.
I think there is minimal restitution to people who are found “factually innocent” or something like that. I’m not sure if it’s state by state, but I know it exists in some states based on years spent in prison. That doesn’t account for spending the rest of your life as a felon (which disenfranchises people in many…
Yeah I think the only reason to involve her is to make sure people who read her books will read this story. And promoting it would probably do it.
This basically happened to me, but the bird wasn’t extra huge... but the fridge was our tiny back up fridge in the basement that I can never rely on to be the right temp. I did a hot water running over surfaces until I could get the giblets and neck out (and then I excised a large chunk of ice between the skin and a…
Yes and yes. First, assuming the mother is correct in her assertions and has tried to get her child the help she needs, a diagnosis and an appropriate FAPE situation, everything I saw seems completely believable to the description the mother provides.
(for the sake of this comment I’m assuming the mother’s assertion is correct)
Yeah... like almost always stars are contractually obligated to take part in press tours (I imagine a few giant people like deniro or pacino can say... no, I won’t do that but I will be in your movie). Even if you are taking part of your salary as percentage of box office take (which motivates you to want to sell the…
Yes, however depending on where you live 200K puts you no where near the 10% (and much closer to the middle 50%... toward the bottom of it). Just had to put in a shout out to my fellow high-cost of living area people. We are well into that 200,000 measure and can’t make that full contribution (and we aren’t spending…
This is very similar to what my mother in law does. Substituting daughter-in-law (as she has no actual daughters)