Bug Doctor

It’s one of the seasons of In The Dark. I think the second. It is an insane case. And a great podcast.

yeah and actually I think he refrained from slapping her way longer than should be reasonably expected. And the security guy by him looked pretty concerned, ie, no one wants to be next to him when the pope gets shivved or something. I mean, he really got yanked fully back around. I mean if he had slapped her face that

Came to post exactly this.

I appreciate your sentiment, but I should have been clearer. I am white (which I feel places on me the responsibility of calling out that well described “othering” whenever I see it.) My son is hispanic (well, less than half but is definitely perceived as not ethnically white). So my only fear for his safety is if

I will preface my story to clarify: I’m white and my daughter is hispanic (also basically white). When her hair started getting long enough to be a tangled mess I had to brush in the morning and she would loose her mind over how long it took and how much it hurt when I pulled out knots, I was flooded with memories

I appreciate you going back and checking your own assertions. I 100% agree with the problem of the view that black girls are perceived to be sexually mature earlier. And boys are perceived as (dangerous) men earlier. And is often used as an excuse for murdering black men and boys by police who are “terrified” of them.

This is exactly what I was thinking, or state rep, which would provide background in legislative process that would help make him more effective when he got to congress.

Very lovely. Congratulations.

YES! This is like a sand pit*, I was picturing ears of corn, like a ball pit. And then I was thinking, man, dry corn cobs are sharp that is a farm asking for a lawsuit, but fresh ears would get smashed and really messy.

Exactly this. And if you live somewhere OTHER than an area with a climate that can’t grow evergreens of the Christmas tree variety (Southern California, deserts ) there is at least a non-zero likelihood that there is a tree farm that is growing trees near you.

I have some large but unknown number ( 20 < n < graham’s number) of cloth towels I use in the kitchen (and basically everywhere) rather than paper towels. The nice thing is I can grab one and use it as a pot holder, or a napkin, or to wipe a kid face before they leave the house with Nutella all over it. I can use them

I have some large but unknown number ( 20 < n < graham’s number) of cloth towels I use in the kitchen (and basically

Private equity assholes.

Yeah. And all the non calling out management/quitting Deadspin articles that went up today were authored by “Deadspin staff”.

Those unemployment rates are misleading when you consider that they include the drivers you are referring to (i.e. anyone who makes an income of any kind). So in fact it includes many people who are doing those jobs because there ARE NOT other opportunities.

I was coming here to comment a link to that numberphile video. I hope I’m not the only one who saw it just because I watch numberphile for fun and not because I was looking up something.

Exactly. I think the questions implied the only answers were the ones you gave.

Nothing will go to trial because there was not a crime (emphasis mine):

No.. party of transparency because they are so damn pale you can see through them.

I’ll have to watch this clip again. I “watched” most of the session while doing work on my laptop (I have become a masochist waiting to hear willful ignorance of House Repubs and have started to listen to congressional hearings) but I didn’t see her face. So my favorite part was the “EVEN” Ben Carson comment too.

Thank you. I was about to clarify something in the last comment but you saved me the time!  High-five!