bug-eyed frog

Never said it was important to me, I said that it happens to be a feature that I enjoy in the person I am dating.

Hi, fellow tall girl here. I feel you on some of those hang ups. My BF is only a lil taller than me but weighs a loooot less, so in many ways he’s smaller than me. Still, not gonna lie, I really like the fact that he can pick me up p easily regardless. Dumb shit to value, but hey, we’re imperfect meat sacks.

As a tall girl (5'11) I get unreasonably annoyed at this stuff. If you’re 5'2, everyone is taller than you- most guys can pick you up. Leave the giants to those of us who need them! I have never been girly or felt delicate because I’m always taller than the guys, even in flats.

Film reimagining: A 12 hour period wherein women get revenge on the men who hurt them and they won’t be charged for it: the purge

Not to be a Marco Rubio defender, but how is it permissible for an unhinged ragefart like Alex Jones to put hands on a Senator, much less threatening physical violence. Shouldn’t security have bodyslammed Jones at that point?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he kicks puppies and strangles kittens. The amount of anger he has is off the charts. I don’t get how these white guys develop so much damn anger.

Manhattan’s congressional representative and the Bronx Borough President have both filed complaints with the disciplinary committee of NY State court system with the intention of having him disbarred.


What’s the matter, snowflake? Can’t take responsibility for your actions?

“I pay for their welfare.”

Ah yes. Another fine, basement-dwelling specimen of the “superior race.”

I don’t know. This seems completely out of character for these women. They’ve always seemed more like train wrecks than they do ship wrecks.

The top ones are “loungewear.”

I’ll do you one better: There are yoga pants with the boot cut. Sport tights are in a wicking material and are tight all the way down, in a variety of lengths (full, crop, etc.). And leggings are what you wear for casual lounging (under dresses or skirts, with tunics, etc.).

If the very toned gentleman with the amazing calves at my gym can wear shorts so short I am just waiting for a nut to come flying out... then I can wear my spandex and no makeup and no one should say anything

The sentence ““‘Stormi’ is short for Storm.” realllllly makes my brain hurt. Thanks US Weekly! Adding something =/= making it shorter.

How the fuck is Stormi short for storm?

Anyone who looks at the baby and feels anything other than joy at his smile is a soulless piece of shit. I hope they get eaten by jackals. He’s adorable.

“Your decision to assault was calculated, precise, devious, despicable,” Aquilina said. “You played on everyone’s vulnerability. I’m not vulnerable.=

C’mon, don’t try to high road me on this. You made a huge assumption about those who were offended by this. Of course no one would have been offended if it was a white kid. That may be the point, but how does it supersede the reality of people getting pissed off because they see a little black kid being labelled as a