Everything about this is everything.
Everything about this is everything.
Cruel, yes, but not unusual. There are all sorts of stories in which women are denied basic menstrual accouterments. But I think you will find that this is not technically considered punishment. It’s shitty administration and inattention towards those in your charge.
Agreed. 100%
The thing about Cruel and Unusual punishment (I’m not saying this is the way it should be, just the way it is) is that it has to be both. Punishment can be cruel OR unusual. Just not both. So if it is common for women to be denied showers, it is not unusual. And therefore acceptable in the eyes of the law.
Bring back Damnation Memoriae!
Ha, same. Had a little bit of a knee-jerk WTF moment with that.
A good alternative is cocoa powder. For real. Works in a very similar fashion but doesn’t cake onto the follicles. The only problem is you can’t really use it with light blonde hair and sometimes your part gets a little dyed for a day, but it’s not that noticeable. So yeah, cheap alternative that doesn’t make you go…
Same. I have been super confused when people talk about how different she looks. She just looks older to me.
Fuck you! I do what I Waaaaaaant!
I am weirdly excited about this news?
Because the headline references his sentencing, which was not for rape. If the headline was something along the lines of ‘25 year old man rapes 14 year old for family’s protection’ then that would be accurate. So yes, the choice of headline writing can be called into question here, but the headline itself is not…
It is rape, but he is not in prison for rape. He is in prison for sex tourism and sex trafficking.
This. I was coming here to say this. Why was Hadid just ignored here? Adding that to the snarky comments about Christina Aguilera and Cameron Diaz, both mixed, and parts of the article kind of left a bad taste in my mouth.
This is one of my favorite internet things ever. Pure Gold.
Bello Ginger Sauce!
I would watch this TV show. Fo reals.
I have never shat myself. Not with food poisoning, the flu or even that time I was too lazy to cook anything or leave my apartment so ended up eating raw vegetables for three days. I am truly blessed. Of course, now that I’ve said it out loud (on internet) I have broken whatever spell was keeping all that liquidy shit…
Exactly! You put the seat down because you should also be putting the lid down every time. Durf. If you don’t it’s like leaving your cabinet doors open whenever you pull something out of them. Close Ya Shit People!
Same. I’m pretty sure they actually mention this at one point as well. If I remember correctly his dad makes a crack about how ridiculous the whole ‘OMG Dan’s so poor’ situation is.
SOOOOO, I had a totally crazy theory about Kylo Ren that is most likely not true at all, but I kind of dig it so here goes. If Snoke is actually Darth Plagus that would mean he’s pretty much immortal. The only way to get close to his to find out how to defeat him would be to become his student. If you were to become…