
... wow. Was going to continue an adult discussion about this buuuuut, nevermind. You’re a dick. Have a good day.

Did you read the article? They weren’t testing gallons of milk at the store. They were testing on actual farms. Milk that is sent to a dairy processing plant is tested before it is processed and sold. If they find even trace amounts of antibiotics in the milk that load is dumped. I know this because I work on a dairy

Nope. Colostrum, also known as first milk, is only produced directly after pregnancy. The cow will produce it for only one or two days after giving birth and it is never put in the tank to be sold on market. The Colostrum is kept and given to the new born calves, because that is what it is for, to jump start the

There is no trace of antibiotics in any milk that is salable. Not an iota. That is illegal. For real. Not a thing. What you are looking at when a farmer says they don’t give their cows antibiotics is a farmer who refuses to treat their animals when they are sick. Which is cruel and shitty and driven by ignorant

Oh man, this gives me bad flashbacks of Cairo. They always had a garbage problem (#1 most polluted city in the world! Winning!) but after the swine flu deal in 09 a bunch of politicians decided to order the slaughter of all pigs in the city (totally not a political move against the Copts at all /s/). Then they

God damn, the casting for this so far is absolutely spot on. SO EXCITE!

If they learn English from a British person they would? Have you not encountered this before?

Fingers crossed. It would be really strange if they didn’t though. Kind of ruin the whole point of using the Archie brand.

Yeah, I think it was more of an individual vs. tradition thing with Chow Yun-Fat. Also, if you remember, he defects from his school at the beginning of the movie. Which is why he gives up his sword and things get cray. Michelle Yeoh knew Chow Yun-Fat did not meet during their training but because her fiance, who was

It wasn’t that she couldn’t learn martial arts, it was the specific style of martial arts as taught by that one particular school. She did not go out and find a different person or version of martial arts, she slept with the master of the school, stole his secrets, and then murdered him. Yes, this was a much more

Haha, yeah Wing Chun is the worst/best. Michelle Yeoh almost makes up for the bad (hopefully?) subtitles with her amazingness though.

This makes sense and would pave the way for Diggle becoming Spartan. I kind of thought it was random for them to use the title but if he is going to die and be brought back then rawsomesauce.

Same. I’m pretty sure they actually mention this at one point as well. If I remember correctly his dad makes a crack about how ridiculous the whole ‘OMG Dan’s so poor’ situation is.

Oh fer sure. Twas weird.

I don’t know why, but I’m going to defend this? For reals? I don’t know why? She didn’t say that he for sure that she would get pregnant, just that it was highly probable. So I guess it’s just easier to wear a condom then track a strange prostitutes cycle? Anyways, wearing protection while having sex with strangers,

Right? I need to know about the cat? What’s its name? How old is cat? Is cat Slinka? Is this the cat’s show? Since they’re in Russia (or Eastern Europe? I’m really bad at differentiating between those languages) is the cat Orthodox? Is cat celebrating Orthodox Christmas or Petrine Christmas? Will the cat be my friend?

SOOOOO, I had a totally crazy theory about Kylo Ren that is most likely not true at all, but I kind of dig it so here goes. If Snoke is actually Darth Plagus that would mean he’s pretty much immortal. The only way to get close to his to find out how to defeat him would be to become his student. If you were to become

So this looks pretty rad and I will totally check it out, but has anyone else noticed that lady centric superhero comic books seems to all be about not putting on the costume and just living life? With a side of superheroics? Why is this a trend? Does anyone know of any newer female led titles that are straight

It’s an ancient Sith design. The plasma containment had not been perfected so the two ‘hilt things’ are exhaust ports to make sure it doesn’t explode. I sort of see it as another part of Kylo Ren’s emo hipster thing. He could use the updated design but everything sounds better on vinyl.

Right? A lot of people seem to conveniently forget his backstory really quickly.