
Yeah, this article was a little weird. Definitely shouldn't shame people for masturbating but really? It's not necessary, at least not for everyone. I like sex, big fan, but I've never really felt the urge to masturbate. I tried a couple times cause I was bored and got over it. Maybe I'm strange because I don't think

Do you really think it's deluded to not have a problem with death and see it as an inevitability? I would say looking at it the other way is actually a problem. The second we are born we are dying, that's kind of the point of life. There's nothing wrong with that, or evil or bad. It's not dying that's the problem it's

What I don't get is, if the groom wants to plan the wedding why does he need to do so in secret? Couldn't the couple just sit down for a grown up talk in which the groom is like 'hey, I think this would be pretty cool' and the bride is all 'sure, you take the reins cause I could care less/here are some ideas please

It's Oded Fehr!

I prefer my hot Jesus to be a little more authentic.

Oh my god, my sisters and I played matriarchal society too! Our one Ken tried to rise up and ended up getting hanged for treason. Good times!

Seriously! Yeah it's frustrating to wait so long, but it's a good sort of frustrating. It makes finally reading the next book that much more epic. Plus then you can stew in the last installment and have time to come up with crazy theories about everything. Gah. Sorry a lack of patience is one of my biggest pet peeves.