
Conversely, I watch more Adventure Time and Regular Show as a 27-year-old male than I do Sportscenter. Even if both of those shows had one enjoyable character, that's still one more than Sportscenter.

Two parts Hydrogen,
One part Oxygen,
You parts with $99!

If they need a score on the last play of the game, they throw a "Praise Allah."

Not allowed to eat the pig skin

Women aren't allowed to attend any games

I don't think all 72 would be virgins.

What High School you know where they have 72 VIRGIN Cheerleaders?

So... their quarterback always throws bombs down field?

Heh heh, "Big 10".


Seriously, anyone who doesn't watch Archer and sees this and doesn't think, "Maybe I ought to give that show a shot." is dead inside or allergic to fun.

All he had to do was look down! His name was RIGHT THERE!

Grounded to the ground.

That's one way it could have been avoided, but per the manual, the rear wing should be removed when unloading so that this doesn't happen.

So, my main takeaway from this commercial was that the Burger King Guy quit his last gig, went back to school for his law AND medical degrees, then successfully ran for office? Wow. I'm proud of him!

A fellow bookie, eh? What's your favorite piece of 20th century fiction by a non-American author?

I need to know right now. WHO THE **** WOULD PAY $$$ FOR THIS POS?

for some reason, I decided to image goog "homer nursing" Do not do that.

You are NOT kidding about the motor mounts. My M3 takes less than an hour for both mounts (broke one and had to do it a second time), but my '05 V took me 5 hours to do.

Awww, what's wrong with the V6 mustang? It has pretty good power no? Just good on paper? Or not really?