She over-played her hand and underestimated her opponent. This was always going to end this way for her. Always.
She over-played her hand and underestimated her opponent. This was always going to end this way for her. Always.
But she's dead? Perhaps this is Jesus Swift or, more likely, Zombie Swift.
The only time I haven’t supported Kanye was when he revealed himself as a Cosby apologist but other than that, I overlook the egomania. If it were a white musician with that bravado, most people wouldn’t bat an eye. And it’s not like Kanye doesn’t have the work to backup his claims of greatness, his music is…
I'm team Kanye for life.
Because none of the people she’s schilling for believe in those things.
4. You're absolutely a piece of shit (see #1).
“The act also prohibits municipalities in North Carolina from enacting anti-discrimination policies,[14] setting a local minimum wage, regulating child labor, or making certain regulations for city workers. The legislation also removes the statutory and common-law private right of action to enforce state…
How often do you have a scenario where a Crying Jordan actually represents Michael Jordan and the possibility of him crying?
Because it was D.Rose and LeBron who did it. Just like in politics and in life, in sports the rich and powerful don’t get punished yet the ones with less power and money we throw the book at them. That is why I see these women as having more balls than LeBron and company. LeBron and co. could make even stronger…
So how is it the NBA didn’t fine their players for wearing the Eric Garner ‘I can’t breathe’ shirts...yet the WNBA fines players making 1/50th of the salary for wearing something similar?
Excellent job, WNBA. These players have just enough to lose that they would be strongly tempted to stay quiet and toe the line, but they don’t. That’s fantastic.
If the WNBA let this go unpunished then most people wouldn’t have heard about it. But thanks to their desire to crush the expression it actually got way more publicity than any normal WNBA coverage gets.
I think this counts as irony.
Oh no...Michael Jordan is going to be sad if this happens. I wish there were some visual depiction that I could share to show you how sad.
“We fully support our players lending their voices to important social topics but regret that our rules completely forbid them from doing it publicly”
When I went to high school it was called the Lunch Money.
Sports leagues have uniform guidelines that need to be followed.
The Honky Tonk Man's success in the WWF has puzzled me for years. even as a teenager his gimmick came across as really lame, an Elvis impersonator whose actual resemblance to Elvis began and ended with his greasy black hair and sideburns. He was shit in interviews and didn't do anything with the guitar except smash it…