
We’ve all heard people on the extreme right wing refer to the “coastal elite” like everyone on the coasts are weaklings ready to be rolled over, but anyone who has spent time in those cities knows it takes a special kind of grit to make it in those towns.

Thank you! My thoughts exactly!

I kinda agree here. Cars are more powerful than ever before... electric vehicles are now capable of supercar 0-60 times for under $100k... just wait til some out-of-shape moron tries to launch his Model S Plaid+ and blacks out from the g-forces... hell, my vision was blurred for a second while launching a Model X

Sorry but the thing is still hideous. There’s nothing about it that screams sexy or anything remotely close. Chevy and the others continue to miss one of the big reasons Tesla has been so successful, even considering their build quality problems... the cars don’t look like total shit. People want to drive a Tesla and

Lol as many have said, screw the dealer. They nickel and dime people out of every last penny on a daily basis. It’s not my fault they can’t do their due diligence given the army of mechanics at their disposal. Hell, for all we know, this was a shady attempt by the dealer to cause the VW owner to panic sell and trick

Schools all over South Dakota are now open for in-person class with no mask mandate... My step-kids who are not with us full time are out running around Sioux Falls like everything is fine and dandy...

Screw Santander. My wife, and by proxy myself, were screwed over by these assholes when her Jetta was totaled. Of course she was upside down by about $10k because who wouldn’t be at an 18% interest rate(!!)? So we were left with a $10,000 bill for a car we no longer owned and that Santander had already sold off at

Honestly? None of them really. You’ll never earn enough to hit any sort of status (unless those 2-3 flights per year happen to be long-haul international business/first class tickets) and you won’t earn enough miles to redeem a free trip anytime soon.

I can relate, I have a side-gig for a major sports league at home games for a team I grew up idolizing. I have an all access pass to go anywhere in the stadium I want, including locker rooms. I have had some incredible experiences and been fortunate enough to witness everything that goes into putting on one of these

“It’s worth noting that different airlines outfit their planes differently, so perhaps this compartment looks different on say, a Delta or American plane.”

It also looks like sh!t

Now playing

The happy people in the commercial want to buy a $40k Malibu... but hey, it starts at $22,500!

Also known as a wife

For one, I never said I don’t take responsibility for my actions... I chose to go to the payday loan store and take out the loan. I also chose to pay it back, so thanks for assuming I didn’t. Two, I hope for your own sake nothing shitty ever happens to you (divorce, unexpected medical bills, death of a loved one etc)

Way to generalize there @jayhawkjd. I went through financial hell 4 years ago after a divorce. You have no idea the struggles that lead someone to take out a Payday Loan. Let me give you this example from my own personal experience...