
Thank you.  Biden is pro-choice. What is the issue here?

What the hell is this article? I’m starting to wish you guys had gone out of business for good. Half of the articles seem like they’re written by AI and the rest seem designed to intentionally piss off your readers for clicks

Translation: He’s going to air it after this announcement gets more traction.

Yup. And, as far as controversy and entertainment value, the first movie was better. 

Some people get a charge from approaching everything with presumptive “I hate this, it’s so boring!” energy.

I thought Jay Z’s speech was giving a similar vibe and maybe more so given how things played out later in the night.

Did you choke back a sob when Sgt. Warren “Skip” Muck and Pfc. Alex Penkala were killed instantly (and together) by an artillery barrage in Band Of Brothers?

And, in real life. Don’t forget that.

Margo Martindale is a national treasure.

I’m torn between being stunned the author hasn’t seen Walton’s great performance in “Justified” and beyond jealous of what they have to look forward too.

Or the transgender prostitute in Sons of Anarchy? I didn’t even finish that show because it got boring and stupid. But DAMN he played that part realistically and with sensitivity.

I think what happened to him is what happens to too many female actors; when he was in Mad Men, so much ink and talk was spent on his looks, he ended up typecast as Handsome Leading Man when he is capable of so much more.

She looks like a head in a jar on Futurama.

Cry harder about it, Audra. Before this site goes down again.

Thank you. Hillary? Socially liberal (not always, yes, maybe not even privately, but certainly politically in 2016). Trump? A raging narcissist beholden to the religious right. Easy choice, except that some people needed to throw a tantrum...I mean, vote their conscience. I hoped by 2020 everyone would have grown up,

THIS. Good grief, this should be the top comment. 

Hamm is scarily good in this role. I feel like it’s going to take a while to shake this menacing association with him in other roles. I find him really terrifying.

Eight Oscar nominations (including her win as Best Supporting Actress) are nothing to sneeze at.

I enjoyed it too! Along with that looooong tracking shot of Hamm stalking across the ranch. Hamm is just perfect in this role.

“I told him to stop looking at me!”

This just seems like smart politics to me.   Sending out a woman to be the countering face to the Republicans’ Old White Men Preaching About Abortion At Us is a no-brainer.