
Is he combing his hair with a fork? 

This and Oppenheimer have me so excited to go to the movies again.

It didn’t look like an attack, it looked like the otter just jumped on the surfboard. I didn’t see him lunge at the surfer, or even swim over to the man after he jumped off the board.

I don’t think she’s a prude. I had a TON of sex back in the day, with lots of guys, but I didn’t want to hear about other people’s sex lives in graphic detail.

I don’t ever recall Carrie’s columns being about sex in a graphic manner, just about the experiences of being a single woman who dated a lot, and the difficulties and joys of said dating. So for her to have qualms about all this explicit sex stuff isn’t out of character for her.

Brad, Leo & Christian should sue his ass for using their images without permission.

Government is the problem, yet they all want to be a part of it.  And they do nothing but try to dismantle the Bill of Rights, while claiming that we are losing our rights because of the Government, which they want to be a part of. 

It was Michael Scott who said “the end justifies the mean”. 

So why not sue them for breach of contract instead of just cancelling the podcast and letting them keep the money, if this is the grift and con you all claim it is?

My parents were moderate Republicans, my father served in the Pacific theater in WW2. I know neither one of them would have voted for Trump. They would have been appalled that he even was considered a viable candidate.  

I’m not better than anyone.  I just don’t get why everything Harry & Meghan does is considered a con. They were extremely popular, well known people and several media organizations did business with them in order to make money.

Maybe they should focus on owning the libs and leave the youth alone. 

Hey if it wasn’t for Hitler, Dwight Schrute’s parents would have never met.

This and the Town of Fishers charging non residents $50 to park in their idiotic water park parking lot is just another example of how god awful Hamilton County has become.

Generalizations are always a great way to go. Considering the age of the people in these photos and that march in the Nazi rallies, I’d say Millennials aren’t doing much better.

Maybe we should tie these bitches to a chair and make them watch Sophie’s Choice, Schindler’s List, or the “Why We Fight” episode of Band of Brothers. Or Ken Burns doc on the Holocaust.

But did they say she didn’t do all the episodes required for the first season? As far as having producers interview the guests, this is common practice in podcast world. Maybe they couldn’t book guests.

Did Meghan do the podcast? Yes. So how is it a grift? Did she represent herself as anything other than who she is? I doubt it as she is a well known public figure and anyone with a brain at Spotify could have checked as to her background and what the conversations would be about.

It’s not magic, it’s delusion.

I have a friend who went to Carmel High School, (she’s in her mid 40s) I literally had to explain events of WW2 to her. She was not aware of the Blitz, or D Day, various battles, etc. I suggested if she didn’t want to read anything, to watch Band of Brothers. Or Ken Burns’ documentaries.